sharedstreets / sharedstreets-ref-system

Making maps connectable: stable, non-proprietary IDs and data standards for streets
MIT License
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Discrepancies in README vs Protobuf variable names #2

Closed DenisCarriere closed 6 years ago

DenisCarriere commented 6 years ago

Which ones are the correct ones?

My preference is the README's variable names.

README Geometry

    "type": "Feature",
    "properties": {
        "id": "NxPFkg4CrzHeFhwV7Uiq7K",
        "startIntersectionId": "5gRJyF2MT5BBErTyEesQLC",
        "endIntersectionId": "N38a21UGykpnqxwez7NGS3",
        "forwardReferenceId": "2Vw2XzW4cs7r32RLhQnqwA",
        "backReferenceId": "VXKSEokmvBJ81XHYhUronG",
        "roadClass": 3
    "geometry": {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
            [-74.003388, 40.634538],
            [-74.003621, 40.634383],
            [-74.003621, 40.634383],
            [-74.004107, 40.63406]

Proto Geometry message

message SharedStreetsGeometry {

    string id = 1;

    string fromIntersectionId = 2;
    string toIntersectionId = 3;
    string forwardReferenceId = 4;
    string backReferenceId = 5;

    RoadClass roadClass = 6;
    repeated float latlons = 7; // interleaved lat/lon pairs in sequence

DenisCarriere commented 6 years ago

Also noticed Intersection had a few discrepancies.


    "type": "Feature",
    "properties": {
        "id": "5gRJyF2MT5BBErTyEesQLC",
        "osmNodeId": 42460951,
        "outboundSegmentIds": ["6mjqqv7YNsp4541DmrrRbV", "jwwKcUvHuCw6GJJAT3mDQ", "2Vw2XzW4cs7r32RLhQnqwA"],
        "inboundSegmentIds": ["VmSkhzGKoEc767w98x35La", "VXKSEokmvBJ81XHYhUronG", "B7RPzs3hb1cSXqYcAKmUhE"]
    "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-74.003388, 40.634538]


message SharedStreetsIntersection {

  string id = 1;
  uint64 nodeId = 2;
  float lat = 3;
  float lon = 4;

  repeated string inboundReferenceIds = 5;
  repeated string outboundReferenceIds = 6;

kpwebb commented 6 years ago

Thanks for catching this! Just merged the commit to update docs (JSON examples now match protobuf names).