sharifulin / mojolicious-plugin-i18n

Internationalization Plugin for Mojolicious 5.x and higher
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URL issue with http proxy #24

Open PJ-DSI-DevOps opened 3 years ago

PJ-DSI-DevOps commented 3 years ago


When using this plugin behind a reverse proxy with path, the urls generated by "url_for" doesn't work as expected anymore. We end up having a path that look like /{LANG}/{PATH}/foo instead of /{PATH}/{LANG}/foo.

The method used to set the reverse proxy path is taken from this blog post :

Here is a small app to reproduce the problem :

use Mojolicious::Lite -signatures;

plugin I18N => {namespace => 'MyApp::I18N', support_url_langs => [qw(en fr)]};

if ( my $path = $ENV{MOJO_REVERSE_PROXY} ) {
    my @path_parts = grep /\S/, split m{/}, $path;
    app->hook( before_dispatch => sub ($c) {
        my $url = $c->req->url;
        my $base = $url->base;
        push @{ $base->path }, @path_parts;

get '/' => sub ($c) {
  $c->render(text => $c->url_for('/foo'));


Then :

MOJO_REVERSE_PROXY="/myapp" ./ get /fr/

And i was expecting /myapp/fr/foo.