shariltumin / esp32-cam-micropython-2022

MicroPython esp32-cam firmware with camera support compiled with esp-idf-4.4.0. Python script files for live streaming
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Parameters in camera.pixformat(x) #27

Closed xhgeya closed 12 months ago

xhgeya commented 1 year ago

Dear Mr. Sharil, Thanks for the firms and your great works! I've installed your firm v1.20.0-162-gd080d427e-kaki5 on 2023-06-07; ESP32-CAM OV2640 w/SSL (KAKI5) with ESP32 for my ESP32-CAM, and these steps are:

import camera, machine # init camera cam = camera.init() if cam: print("Camera ready?: ", cam) else: camera.deinit() machine.reset() # set preffered camera setting camera.framesize(1) # 1:96x96 camera.pixformat(0) # 0:JPEG img=camera.capture()
print(len(img)) camera.deinit()

Thonny shows the right result if camera.pixformat(0) or without it.

Camera ready?: True

Once I try to do these: camera.pixformat(1) # 1:Grayscale (2bytes/pixel) or camera.pixformat(2) # 2:RGB565

I have got the error: TypeError: object of type 'bool' has no len()

Read from, it shall be ok since pixformat has three parameters(0:JPEG, 1:Grayscale (2bytes/pixel), 2:RGB565) What shall I do? Thanks! Good day! George

shariltumin commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting this. It appears that you have caught a bug that was reported [here] (

The default image format is JPEG. This only happens for 96x96:JPEG. For earlier firmwares, this bug will persist, i.e. the lowest framesize for jpeg will then be 2:160x120 or 5:240x240 for a square image.

The is no longer correct, the note on pixformat is wrong.

MicroPython v1.20.0-206 was the last version built with esp-idf-4. All MicroPythons after that will only build with esp-idf-5.

I am working on new firmwares. These firmwares will use esp-idf-5.x.x, and with some minor fixes in the camare module, the 96x96:JPEG bug seems to be fixed.

MPY: soft reboot
MicroPython v1.20.0-242-g6a9db521e on 2023-07-03; ESP32 AIT OV2640 (KAKI5) with ESP32
>>> import camera
>>> camera.init()
>>> camera.framesize(1)   # 96x96
>>> camera.pixformat(4)   # Grayscale
>>> img=camera.capture()
>>> len(img)
>>> camera.pixformat(5)   # jpeg
>>> img=camera.capture()
>>> len(img)
>>> img=camera.capture()
>>> print(len(img))

The needs to be fixed. As soon as I finish testing, I will upload the latest firmwares to the github.

If you need to use 96x96:JPEG, you will have to wait a little bit longer.

xhgeya commented 12 months ago

Thanks a lot! 👍