shariltumin / esp32-cam-micropython-2022

MicroPython esp32-cam firmware with camera support compiled with esp-idf-4.4.0. Python script files for live streaming
MIT License
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Firmware for lilygo camera v1.6.2 #28

Open adrianlzt opened 12 months ago

adrianlzt commented 12 months ago

I have created a repo to build the micropyhton firmware with camera for the lilygo camera v1.6.2

It contains the compiled firmware and the instructions (in Dockerfile form):

Hope it could help.

shariltumin commented 12 months ago

Thanks, nicely done. I recommend your micropython-esp32-cam-docker and micropython-camera-driver to those who want to make their own firmware. Following your example, it would not be difficult to make firmware for other boards.

I follow different messy way since I did more customization than you did. Yours is much cleaner and better.

I see that you are now building firmware with esp-idf-502. What is your experience? I am having problems with machine.timer(), I am getting Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (Interrupt wdt timeout on CPU1), see #11948.

I am tempted to freeze my firmwares at esp-idf-445 and do the migration at a later point in time, when some of the issues have been fixed.

Again, well done.

adrianlzt commented 12 months ago

I haven't tested much still, but yes, timer is broken also in mine build. I have answered in #11948