sharkdp / bat

A cat(1) clone with wings.
Apache License 2.0
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Support Font Ligatures #2972

Closed StephanieSunshine closed 4 weeks ago

StephanieSunshine commented 1 month ago

Hi, I'm trying to find a cat clone for macos that supports font ligatures. I am trying to use the Victor Mono Nerd Font and I can see my ligatures working in Neovim, bat seems to not be showing them. Is there some switch I'm possibly missing? Thanks!

keith-hall commented 1 month ago

Hi, a couple of things to try:

StephanieSunshine commented 1 month ago


With Iterm2: /usr/bin/less no ligatures, no syntax highlighting /usr/bin/bat --paging=never no ligatures, yes syntax highlighting nvim I see ligatures, yes syntax highlighting

With /usr/bin/less no ligatures, no syntax highlighting /usr/bin/bat --paging=never no ligatures, yes syntax highlighting nvim I see ligatures, yes syntax highlighting

With all of these tests I was using a simple go file that I will try to include in this response. Doing the same tests again with a python script instead of golang source code resolves with the exact same result.

Code used:

Font Used:


keith-hall commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the update. Honestly I know very little about terminal emulators and font ligatures. But one thing I realize I forgot to ask is: Does plain cat show ligatures? Because if not, then perhaps Neovim is doing something special to render them? I admit that I was working on an assumption that cat shows them. Also, probably this is a silly question, so please forgive me - are ligatures enabled in your iterm2 preferences?

If I ever get some spare time at the computer, I can try on Linux with a few terminal emulators also... 🙂

StephanieSunshine commented 1 month ago

To answer your questions, Iterm2 and Tabby both have font ligatures on in their settings. Cat doesn't work, which is why I was interested in bat possibly doing it as an alternative, as I was already using it as an alternative to cat on my laptop.

Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 1 50 44 AM Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 1 51 47 AM


call plug#begin()

" TailwindCSS vim improvements
Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
Plug 'kabouzeid/nvim-lspinstall'

call plug#end()
set termguicolors
set background="dark"
colorscheme elflord
syntax on
set clipboard+=unnamedplus
nmap <C-N><C-N> :set invnumber<CR>
set tabstop=2
set expandtab
set shiftwidth=2
set autoindent
set smartindent
set number
filetype plugin indent on
highlight Comment cterm=italic gui=italic

That last line makes me wonder if I have been focusing too much on the comments changing and not the rest of the ligatures. I tested some of the other ligatures within Neovim and they were indeed working.

Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 2 02 36 AM

It turns out that bat is actually showing ligatures, but not the Victor Mono italic cursive italics, which I miss understood as ligatures too. I believe you can close this unless you have some way to make the highlight Comment cterm=italic gui=italic work with bat. Thanks for your help.

Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 2 05 31 AM
keith-hall commented 1 month ago

it may be possible by getting your theme to style comments as italic. For example, if you are using the default theme, then adding


to the "settings" dict in

and following the instructions at to use your customized theme, might be worth a try

StephanieSunshine commented 4 weeks ago

I tried what you suggested. I took the GitHub built in theme, cloned it from the bat repo into the custom themes folder, and edited the file. I can seem to make fontStyle bold work, but not italic. I checked Tabby and Iterm2, both are responding to bold as a fontStyle, both are ignoring italic. Line 44 is roughly where my changes are in the attached file. Is there something else I'm missing here? I checked out the Sublime documentation for tmThemes and it collaborates your suggestion. I checked both Golang and Python



keith-hall commented 4 weeks ago

Hmm, I have a vague recollection that bat might be disabling italic support by default because many terminal emulators don't support it. Apologies for not thinking of it sooner. Try running bat with --italic-text=always

StephanieSunshine commented 4 weeks ago

That did it thanks! I had just installed Sublime Text and managed to make it work there.

Here is the modified theme to add italics to comments:

Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 7 12 12 AM