sharkdp / hexyl

A command-line hex viewer
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Simplify check for "ByteCategory::AsciiPrintable" #78

Closed rendner closed 4 years ago

rendner commented 4 years ago

I guess that can be simplified to just look for is_ascii_graphic:

else if  self.0.is_ascii_graphic()

I would also prefer to change the name of the variable "AsciiPrintable", because "printable" normally also includes the space.

sharkdp commented 4 years ago

sounds good, if this is really the same.

rendner commented 4 years ago

As you can see the range of ASCII characters which have a graphical representation also includes the values of the other two groups:

Checks if the value is an ASCII graphic character: U+0021 '!' ..= U+007E '~'.

Checks if the value is an ASCII alphanumeric character: U+0041 'A' ..= U+005A 'Z', or U+0061 'a' ..= U+007A 'z', or U+0030 '0' ..= U+0039 '9'.

Checks if the value is an ASCII punctuation character: U+0021 ..= U+002F ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /, or U+003A ..= U+0040 : ; < = > ? @, or U+005B ..= U+0060 [ \ ] ^ _ ` , or U+007B ..= U+007E { | } ~

sharkdp commented 4 years ago

Okay, thanks :smile: Let's change this.