sharkdp / lscolors

A Rust library and tool to colorize paths using LS_COLORS
Apache License 2.0
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option to set "root" path #70

Open nkh opened 1 year ago

nkh commented 1 year ago

it seems that the location when running lscolors changes the way its input is colored


when in another directory and with the same input, colors differ; also note that the some files are colored as they should, one of the files is executable and doesn't have the same color but that's understandable.


I run lscolors in a subshell as a fix it but it may surprise some users and it would be more usable if the result is the same, and for users without a sub shell an option to set the "root" path may be helpful.

sharkdp commented 1 year ago

Please tell us exactly how you run lscolors

nkh commented 1 year ago

In many ways but most often in a pipe.

You may not remember me but I'm the one who asked you to extract lscolors as a utility.

config/ftl/etc/viewers/core:ptype()     { mime_get ; psplit "echo ${f@Q} | lscolors ; echo 'mime type: $mtype' ; echo -n 'file type: '; file -b ${n@Q} ; stat -c %s ${n@Q} | numfmt --to=iec ; read -sn 100" ; }
config/ftl/etc/core/ftl:filter2()   { ftl_sort | tee >(cat >&4) | vfiles_clr | filter_c | lscolors >&5 ; }
config/ftl/etc/core/commands:gmark_fzf()        { [[ -e $ftl_root/marks ]] && go_loop f fzf "$({ cat $ftl_root/marks ; gmark_fzf_user ; } | lscolors | fzf-tmux $fzf_opt --cycle -m --expect=ctrl-t --ansi)" ; }
config/ftl/etc/core/commands:history_go()       { h=$fs/history ; dedup $h && go_loop f fzf "$(<$h lscolors | fzf-tmux $fzf_opt --tac --ansi --expect=ctrl-t)" ; }
config/ftl/etc/core/commands:ghistory()     { h=$ghist ; dedup $h && go_loop f fzf "$(<$h lscolors | fzf-tmux $fzf_opt --tac --ansi --expect=ctrl-t)" ; }
config/ftl/etc/core/commands:ghistory_edit()        { dedup $ghist && rg -v -x -F -f <(<$ghist lscolors | fzf-tmux $fzf_opt --tac -m --ansi) $ghist | sponge $ghist ; }
config/ftl/etc/core/commands:mark_fzf()     { go_loop f fzf "$({ gmark_fzf_user ; printf "%s
" "${marks[@]}" ; } | sort -u | lscolors | fzf-tmux $fzf_opt -m --expect=ctrl-t --ansi)" ; }
config/ftl/etc/core/commands:selection_ext_fzf()    { fzf_tag T "$(fd -H -I -d1 | rg "\.$e$" | lscolors | fzf-tmux $fzf_opt -m --ansi --marker '▪')" ; list ; }
config/ftl/etc/core/commands:selection_ext_all_fzf()    { fzf_tag T "$(fd -H -I | rg "\.$e$" | lscolors | fzf-tmux $fzf_opt -m --ansi --marker '▪')" ; list ; }
config/ftl/etc/core/commands:selection_goto()   { tag_check && go_loop f fzf "$(printf "%s
" "${!tags[@]}" | sort -u | lscolors | fzf-tmux $fzf_opt --tac --ansi --expect=ctrl-t)" ; }
config/ftl/etc/core/commands:selection_untag_fzf()  { tag_check && { fzf_tag U "$(printf "%s
" "${!tags[@]}" | lscolors | fzf-tmux $fzf_opt -m --ansi --marker '⊟')" ; list ; } ; }
config/ftl/etc/filters/by_file_reset_dir:           lscolors | fzf-tmux -p 80% --cycle -m --ansi --info=inline --layout=reverse --bind ctrl-s:select-all\
config/ftl/etc/bin/fzf_mv_rm:<"$fzf_mv_rc" lscolors | fzf-tmux $fzf_opt > /tmp/$$_fzf_mv && rg -v -x -F -f /tmp/$$_fzf_mv "$fzf_mv_rc" | sponge "$fzf_mv_rc"
config/ftl/etc/bin/frl:find . -maxdepth $frl_max_depth -type p,d,f,l -xtype p,d,f,l | sed -e '/^\.$/d' -e 's~^\.\/~~' | rg --no-heading --smart-case "$1" --color=always --colors 'match:fg:51' | lscolors
config/ftl/etc/bin/fzf_mv:to=$( cat "$fzf_mv_rc" 2>&- | awk '!seen[$0]++' | lscolors | fzf-tmux -0 -1 $fzf_opt)
config/ftl/etc/bin/third_party/plc: uses 'lscolors' or File::LS_colors
config/ftl/etc/bin/third_party/plc:my $pid = open2(*COLORED, *LSCOLORS, "lscolors");
config/ftl/etc/filters/by_extension:            sort -u | { echo "-no_extension-" ; cat ; } | lscolors | \
config/ftl/etc/filters/by_file_global_reset_dir:            lscolors | fzf-tmux -p 80% --cycle -m --ansi --info=inline --layout=reverse --bind ctrl-s:select-all \
config/ftl/etc/filters/by_file:         lscolors | fzf-tmux -p 80% --cycle -m --ansi --info=inline --layout=reverse --bind ctrl-s:select-all \
config/ftl/etc/filters/by_file_global:          lscolors | fzf-tmux -p 80% --cycle -m --ansi --info=inline --layout=reverse --bind ctrl-s:select-all \
config/ftl/etc/filters/by_no_extension:         sort -u | { echo "-without_extension-" ; cat ; } | lscolors | \
config/ftl/etc/filters/by_all_files:            find -printf "%p
" | grep -v '^\.$' | sed 's ^./  ' | sort -u | lscolors | \
config/ftl/etc/bindings/leader_git:go_loop f fzf "$(cd "$git_root" ; git -c color.status=always status -s | lscolors | fzf-tmux $fzf_opt -m --expect=ctrl-t --ansi | sed 's#...#'$git_root'/#')"
config/ftl/etc/bindings/lib/extra:tsplit "{ echo -n '  File: ' ; echo ${n@Q} | lscolors ; hsize=\$(echo -n 'H_size: ' ; stat -c %s '$n' | numfmt --to=iec) ; stat '$n' | sed -e '/File:/d' -e \"s/Device:/\$hsize            Device:/\" -e 's/IO Block/IO_Block/' ; echo '  mime: $mtype' ; echo -n '  type: ' ; file -b ${n@Q} ; } | piper --global '[A-Za-z-_]+: ' 'blue' '\d+\ ?x\ ?\d+' 'yellow' ; read -sn 1"
config/ftl/bindings/tmsu:tmsu_goto() { go_loop f fzf "$(tmsu_table2 | lscolors | fzf-tmux $fzf_opt -m --ansi --expect=ctrl-t --preview 'lscolors {}' --preview-window noborder:wrap:down:4 | sed 's/:.*//')" ; }
config/ftl/bindings/fzf_pane_preview:   lscolors | \
tavianator commented 1 year ago

You could use a subshell for this, e.g.

fd | (cd dir && lscolors) | ...

However, I do notice one quality-of-life thing we could improve: right now if any directory component doesn't exist, we treat it like a normal file. Presumably we should only do that for the final component, and everything else should default to the directory color.

nkh commented 1 year ago


from my first post

I run lscolors in a subshell as a fix it ...

but it may surprise some users ...

and it would be more usable if the result is the same  ...

and for users without a sub shell an option to set the "root" path may be helpful.

And yes please paths that don't exists should still look like paths. For executable files a "root" path would be necessary as I suggested.

this is useful when one has a list of paths to display, want to remove parts of the path (because it's too long for example) and still have colors.

sharkdp commented 1 year ago

Thank you for reporting this. It would be of great help if you could a small example on how to reproduce this. And maybe summarize the suggested improvements (add root path option + colorize non-terminal folders + ...).

nkh commented 1 year ago

Hi, sorry I was clear enough about the context.

mkdir subdir 
touch subdir/f.jpg
touch subdir/f.exe
chmod a+x subdir/f.exe

fd . subdir > found
<found lscolors

mkdir other_sub
cd other_sub
<../found lscolors # colors will differ here

Possible improvements:

cd a_galaxy_far_far_away 
<found lscolors --root "$root"