sharpchi / moodle-filter_syntaxhighlighter

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html interpretation #19

Open Pitoucol opened 2 years ago

Pitoucol commented 2 years ago

Hello Mark

On a moodle 3.11.4+ install, with atto.

Here is my code


And what is shown is only "This is a title" with h1 format. Is there a way to show all the html code ?

Pitoucol commented 2 years ago

I had to past an image, because even here, code is interpreted. Seems logical for us, but if you want to learn to student, they have to see the whole code. Tested also with ``` in my moodle install

sharpchi commented 2 years ago

if you use the backticks to top and tail in full editor mode, it works ok. It's when you go into raw html mode that it's problematic.

Pitoucol commented 2 years ago

Can't achieve to make it works.

Could you tell me what is wrong ? thanks