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SurfaceImageSourceTarget supportOpacity inverted? #2

Closed KarimLUCCIN closed 10 years ago

KarimLUCCIN commented 10 years ago


Just wondering about this line: this.surfaceImageSource = new SurfaceImageSource(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, supportOpacity);

But the SurfaceImageSource constructor is defined as this in the doc: public SurfaceImageSource( int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight, bool isOpaque)

Isn't that the inverse of supportOpacity ? I mean, shouldn't the line be this.surfaceImageSource = new SurfaceImageSource(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, !supportOpacity);

Cheers! K

ArtiomCiumac commented 10 years ago

In the commit above I just renamed the parameter from supportOpacity to isOpaque to reflect its real meaning.

KarimLUCCIN commented 10 years ago

Cool thank you :)