sharpdx / SharpDX-Samples

Official repository for all SharpDX Samples
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Master branch dont have package.config in project #26

Closed Jemy191 closed 9 years ago

Jemy191 commented 9 years ago

Is there another way to restore the NuGet package?

xoofx commented 9 years ago

Samples are no longer using NuGet packages, as nuget is really too much annoying when you want to synchronize the SharpDX repo with the samples repo. In order to use the samples, simply clone them in a directory (under for example a Samples directory) and download the binary SDK from (they will be included in the github release binaries for an upcoming 3.0.0 update) and unzip them at the same level than the Samples directory, so that you will end-up with:

This is the same layout used when compiling SharpDX, so I don't have to maintain separates csproj files.