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AccessViolationException at the textureUploadHeap.WriteToSubresource() call. #31

Open plynkus opened 8 years ago

plynkus commented 8 years ago

(I'll look at this further at some point soon, but wanted to file it before I forgot.)

Observed: System.AccessViolationException thrown during HelloTexture's texture upload.

No deltas from commit 00d5b77050d20ad6131f5680b89946aa7b9b7616 required to reproduce. Built/run against SharpDX 3.0.0beta01. Windows 10 build 10532. Intel HD Graphics 5500.

Gavin-Williams commented 8 years ago

Me too. with the 3.0.0 beta1 nuget packages

Syncaidius commented 8 years ago

Same problem here, same HelloTexture sample. Built/run against SharpDX 3.0.0beta01. Windows 10 build 10240. AMD Radeon HD 7850.

I've also tried the latest sharpDX build, same problem.

RobyDX commented 8 years ago

Hi, I've just tested it with latest build (3.0.0 beta1 from web site), and work on my machine. I've installed Windows 10 SDK. Did you have it?

Syncaidius commented 8 years ago

Yeah, its installed. The rest of the samples work fine. Its only in the HelloTexture sample that it happens.

I've tried updating the SDK too, but apparently I already have the latest.