sharpdx / SharpDX-Samples

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Compatibility #46

Closed nycos62 closed 7 years ago

nycos62 commented 7 years ago

Hello, It's not an issue, it's a question

maybe I don't understand something, but all samples with Direct3D11 or Direct3D12 are not working on windows 7 (with message like : Unable to load DLL 'd3d12.dll' or Unable to load DLL 'd3dcompiler_47.dll') I've installed Windows 10 SDK under Windows 7, and dll are still not compatible

Do a direct3D11 or 12 program never run under windows < 8 ? Must I use only Direct3D9 to be sure to not encounter compatibility issues on multiple windows OS kind ?

xoofx commented 7 years ago

d3d12 is Windows 10 only. d3d11 samples should work (at least minitri for example)