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load a 3d model #6

Closed PedroAlvesq closed 9 years ago

PedroAlvesq commented 9 years ago

how i load a 3d model with fx format

ArtiomCiumac commented 9 years ago

I don't know anything about the fx model format, but if it is supported by Assimp.NET - then it should be supported by SharpDX.Toolkit too. Have a look at the ModelRendering sample (here is the project).

PedroAlvesq commented 9 years ago

thanks how change the screen for example a have a screen of login when i click a button say login change to screen of world

ArtiomCiumac commented 9 years ago

Sorry, this isn't a gamedev forum. Please post here only issues related to SharpDX Samples. As regarding your question - you will get more information if will ask on appropiate forums, like stackoverflow or Also you may want to check any general samples of game state management.