sharpliner / sharpliner

Use C# instead of YAML to define your Azure DevOps pipelines
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Generate template APIs from YAMLs #242

Open premun opened 1 year ago

premun commented 1 year ago

As a partial replacement for #150, we could also generate the template APIs from YAML files.


User will give us YAML directory, we will produce APIs for each template that could be called from C#.


User gives us install-dotnet.yml template:

- name: version
  type: string

- name: fullSdk
  type: boolean
  defaultValue: true

We generate something like this:

public static class Templates
    public static Template<Step> InstallDotNetTemplate(string version, bool fullSdk = true);

which would return a YAML like referencing the template (we can get the path and everything), something like:

  template: {path}
    version: {version}
    fullSdk: {fullSdk}
premun commented 1 year ago

I made some progress, it's in the branch but it will require quite a lot of work still unfortunately

premun commented 1 year ago

@radical I returned to this after some time and made good progress to the point where this is something useful maybe even. You can try it out. It's a lot of hacky code assembled together very fast but it does give nice results.


PowerShell on Windows, but will work on other platforms too:

git clone
cd sharpliner
git checkout template-tools
cd sharpliner\src\tools\Sharpliner.Tools
dotnet run -- template-api -o RuntimeTemplates.cs `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\build-coreclr-and-libraries-job.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\download-artifact-step.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\download-specific-artifact-step.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\evaluate-changed-darc-deps.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\evaluate-changed-paths.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\evaluate-default-paths.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\evaluate-paths-job.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\global-build-job.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\internal-variables.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\macos-sign-with-entitlements.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\perf-variables.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\platform-matrix-multijob.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\platform-matrix.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\restore-internal-tools.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\upload-artifact-step.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\upload-intermediate-artifacts-step.yml `
  D:\runtime\eng\pipelines\common\variables.yml `

This will produce a file RuntimeTemplates with the C# APIs that you can include in your pipelines and they will include the right - template: ... reference.

Example output

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Sharpliner.AzureDevOps;
using Sharpliner.AzureDevOps.ConditionedExpressions;
using Sharpliner.AzureDevOps.Tasks;

namespace Pipelines;

public static class RuntimeTemplates
    // /eng/pipelines/common/download-artifact-step.yml
    public static Template<Step> DownloadArtifactStep(
        string unpackFolder = "",
        bool cleanUnpackFolder = true,
        string artifactFileName = "",
        string artifactName = "",
        string displayName = "") => new("/eng/pipelines/common/download-artifact-step.yml", new()
        { "unpackFolder", unpackFolder },
        { "cleanUnpackFolder", cleanUnpackFolder },
        { "artifactFileName", artifactFileName },
        { "artifactName", artifactName },
        { "displayName", displayName },

You can then reference this somewhere in your C# pipeline: image


There are some problems with how the runtime YAML templates are written that make this non-100%. I will explain briefly.

In YAML, there are two ways to define what parameters the template expects.

  1. Lazy way, just names and default values
      unpackFolder: ''
      cleanUnpackFolder: true
      artifactFileName: ''
      artifactName: ''
      displayName: ''
  2. Fully specified parameters with types and other

    - name: myString
      type: string
      default: a string
    # no default makes it required which is checked by AzDO before the pipeline runs
    - name: myBoolean
      type: boolean

Unfortunately, Arcade and Runtime both use the first and sometimes they specify in comments what is required. This way, the C# API cannot tell what needs a default value and what doesn't which makes it imperfect. For instance above you can see that all string parameters have default values "" which is probably not true in how the template behaves. This also means that we cannot always infer the type, e.g.:

  jobs: []