sharpliner / sharpliner

Use C# instead of YAML to define your Azure DevOps pipelines
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Add a warning when variables defined in matrix are used in compile time expressions #258

Open premun opened 1 year ago

premun commented 1 year ago


When you define a matrix in YAML, e.g.

      _BuildConfig: Release
      _BuildConfig: Debug

you cannot use _BuildConfig in compile time expressions such as these:

${{ if eq(variables['_BuildConfig'], 'true') }}

You can only reference them from the condition property that is evaluated on runtime.


Add a new pipeline validation that checks for variables defined in a matrix (we can get all matrix objects from the whole definition) and compare it to the list of variables used in ${{ if }} blocks. If there's a match, output a warning for the user to know about this when they compile the pipeline.