sharplispers / clx

a fork of crhodes' fork of danb's fork of the CLX library, an X11 client for Common Lisp
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CLX' move to CLOS seems to have resulted in some implicit functions not being created. #104

Closed earl-ducaine closed 5 years ago

earl-ducaine commented 5 years ago

(ql version: clx-20180711-git) For every xlib 'class' that the the old def-clx-class macro used to create, a predicate function, e.g. foo-p would also be created unless it's creation was specifically suppressed in the class options.

(defmacro def-clx-class ((name &rest options) &body slots)
      (when (eq predicate t)
        (setf predicate (cintern name '-p)))

Some examples that used to work.

(xlib:window-p *application-window*)
(xlib:image-z-p  (xlib:get-image *application-window* :result-type 'image-xy :x x :y y :width width :height height))
(xlib:font-p (xlib:open-font *display* (first (xlib:list-font-names *display* "*"))))
dkochmanski commented 5 years ago

These predicates are documented in the manual and exported - should be readded as functions. @mgl are you interested in taking care of this issue?

dkochmanski commented 5 years ago

master branch has been reset