sharppy / SHARPpy

Sounding/Hodograph Analysis and Research Program in Python
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[BUG] Problems reading .csv format #213

Open mesoscale83 opened 3 years ago

mesoscale83 commented 3 years ago

Dear developers,

I'm new to SHARPpy but after looking through older bug reports and online I did not find any answer to my question. Attached you find the SHARPpy text file. The final error message is the one which says: "Could not figure out the format of ...csv"

I try to open such a file in the .sharppy folder but when I do this the program breaks down. I have no problems to work with SHARPpy otherwise (e.g. all data for the US work fine) but I want to increase the station coverage for Europe (e.g. opening the sharp file in datasource because I can't find it in the picker). I also deleted the .sharppy folder although I did no work with older python versions. Obviously this did not help.

I use conda and I also used conda-forge for installation. Anyone out there has an idea how this problem can be solved?

Thanks a lot, Helge
