sharppy / SHARPpy

Sounding/Hodograph Analysis and Research Program in Python
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Errors in the Large Hail Parameter (LHP) calculation #248

Open dustwx28 opened 1 year ago

dustwx28 commented 1 year ago

Regarding the Large Hail Parameter (LHP) calculation:

I submit the following corrections to SHARPpy for the LHP calculation in based on communication with A. Johnson NWS:

1) Kelliecook has already submitted this first issue as “lhp calculation error #220” on 2 September 2021: Lines 455 if term_a < 0: 456 term_a = 0 and lines 474 if term_b < 0: 475 term_b = 0

It should be: If term_a < 0 AND term_b < 0 then LHP = 0

Additionally: 2) Lines 464 and 465 464 If grw_alpha_el > 180: 465 grw_alpha_el = -10

Instead it should be: If grw_alpha_el > 180 Then the entirety of the term, (grw_alpha_el + 5)/20 = -10 in line 472

and lastly: 3) after line 477 lhp = term_a * term_b + 5 Check again that LHP is NOT < 0 to avoid ever having a negative LHP. If lhp < 0 at this point, set lhp = 0.