sharppy / SHARPpy

Sounding/Hodograph Analysis and Research Program in Python
216 stars 112 forks source link not running [WIN7 x-64] #74

Closed MJLMK closed 8 years ago

MJLMK commented 8 years ago

Installed Anaconda 2.3.0 on Win7 64 bit and then installed 1.3.0 Xenia and get error on running



any ideas here.


keltonhalbert commented 8 years ago

Hi Mark,

We're still not entirely sure what causes this bug, but the bug can be fixed by doing one of two things:

1) delete the .sharppy folder in your home directory and rerun the setup script

If that doesn't work,

2) Delete your SHARPpy install in C:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\ AND delete your .sharppy folder in your home directory and then rerun your setup script.

This has fixed the error for nearly everyone.

MJLMK commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much. Simply deleting the .sharpy folder in my home directory solved the problem.


live4right commented 8 years ago

Hi, I know that this is an old thread, but I am having trouble with Windows7 32bit and the new SHARPpy 1.30 I don't know what could be different and I have done what you had mentioned in the previous posts. AS the error is exactly the same I followed the instructions, but the fixes did not work, I'm really sad that it stopped working as it was the best sounding software outside of AWIPS II. A possible additional feature the WBZ height and freezing level might be a nice addition to one of the insets. I understand how busy you guys are. Thank you for your hard work and a great program, I look forward to this bug getting resolved.

Sincerely, Carl NWS Duluth Minnesota Skywarn Spotter# AS 051

sharppy error

MJLMK commented 8 years ago


Kelton's instructions above solved my problem. I had to go to C:\users and delete the .sharppy directory. Once I did this, I re-installed the package and everything worked.


live4right commented 8 years ago

Hi Mark, Thanks for the help, thanks to you I discovered I missed a directory, now it works great again :D. Thanks again


keltonhalbert commented 8 years ago

Glad that this worked!

I honestly don't know what broke in that directory between installs, but it seems like it's a relatively simple fix.

I'm going to close the issue since it's resolved.