sharppy / SHARPpy

Sounding/Hodograph Analysis and Research Program in Python
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How to customize SHARPpy? #88

Closed dave2004NMC closed 5 years ago

dave2004NMC commented 8 years ago

Hi, guys: I want to customize SHARPpy for East Asia region. Adding new data source is feasible with local XML file. However, how is it possible that "Select Sounding Source" in GUI only show the customized data source without default sources? And I also want to change the "Select Map Area" to East Asia. How can I achieve this. Very thanks! Dave

keltonhalbert commented 8 years ago

Hi Dave,

The "Select Sounding Source" is populated by the XML files contained in the .sharppy/datasources directory. If you delete all the extra XML files, it will only display the datasources you define.

As far as the "Select Map Area", @tsupinie would know more about how to do that since he's done most of the writing on that end.

tsupinie commented 8 years ago


When you open up the picker window, you should be able to click and drag the map and double-click to re-center on a particular point and re-orient the map such that north is up. For technical reasons that will be fixed in the next version, re-orienting takes a couple seconds after the double click. The scroll wheel zooms in and out. Once you've got the map how you want it, click the "Save Map View as Default" button in the very upper right corner. That should save that particular view so that next time you open SHARPpy, that will be your default view.

Does that help?