sharu725 / youtube-embed

Embeds a clickable youtube thumbnail instead of the iframe. Upon clicking, loads the iframe.
36 stars 7 forks source link

Use the no-cookies URL instead #26

Closed FWORDIE closed 4 months ago

FWORDIE commented 6 months ago

Thanks for this great snippet, was just wondering if there is any reason why it doesn't use the '' path, as this is much better for privacy and performance (I am told).


sharu725 commented 4 months ago

Nice. It is probably a GDPR move. It is not useful for this plugin because we are showing an image initially and only when clicked on play, we embed the video. Enhanced Privacy Embed tells us that no cookies are set unless the user starts playing the video. This is already the case when using this plugin.

FWORDIE commented 4 months ago

good to know, thanks