Would it make sense to split long input text into blocks that are each summarised by the model.
Write a message to STDERR that this is being done.
At the least write a message to STDERR to indicate the text is truncated because it is longer than XXXXX characters.
For example, without this information the last sentence below makes no sense:
ml summarize hugging --model=bert https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-08-16/morrison-secret-ministerial-appointments-legal-or-not-icac/101318718
Scott Morrison's secret ministerial appointments likely legal and outside federal ICAC remit, experts say.
Independent MPs say the former prime minister's actions should be investigated by a federal integrity body.
A former NSW ICAC assistant commissioner says many questions remain unanswered.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is expected to provide an update today after receiving briefings from the.
Would it make sense to split long input text into blocks that are each summarised by the model.
Write a message to STDERR that this is being done.
At the least write a message to STDERR to indicate the text is truncated because it is longer than XXXXX characters.
For example, without this information the last sentence below makes no sense: