shashi / FileTrees.jl

Parallel computing with a tree of files metaphor
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prefixes #8

Open shashi opened 4 years ago

shashi commented 4 years ago

There seems to be an idea of prefixes when it comes to paths, it could be an FTP or S3 URI.

It maybe useful and even improve code in this package to store this prefix at the root most node of a tree.

The obvious place for this is probably the parent field of the root node, which is set to nothing right now.

So the questions are

What should FileTree("foo") do? should it store foo as prefix and "." as the name? Or maybe "" as the name -- this needs more support.

jpsamaroo commented 4 years ago

As I said in Slack:

Maybe we'd have special types for ftp/s3/etc., which we could potentially dispatch on for differing behavior (like caching filesystem queries or something).

I agree with placing it in parent, although it doesn't necessarily need to point back to its children IMO.