shashwatak / satellite-js

Modular set of functions for SGP4 and SDP4 propagation of TLEs.
MIT License
902 stars 145 forks source link

Jumping coordinates? #132

Open onekiloparsec opened 2 weeks ago

onekiloparsec commented 2 weeks ago

Hey. I am a happy user of your truly awesome library. I am currently trying to display Starlink tracks onto the sky, using the Aladin Lite viewer, which is a lib I know since a long time too.

Hence, I compute the LookAngles exactly as explained in your README, using TLEs obtained from (which is based on, as far as I can tell). And I transform these LookAngles into equatorial coordinates, and inject them into Aladin Lite.

I noticed that some tracks are just jumping around, with huge shifts (> 10 degrees) of azimuth and/or elevation in just a few seconds. Most of other tracks looks pefectly fine.

I really checked everything (especially, this is true at the LookAngle step, and not due to the transform to Equatorial Coordinates). I also checked the validity of TLEs, and everything looks fine.

I attach below two images. The first one has 2 bad tracks. The second one has 3 good ones. Every green track displayed consists of 300 points spread over the course of 2 hours, at the same date, same location. I also attach associated satellite records (one bad, one good).

Do you have any idea on what could cause this, in some cases (and not others)? Do I make any mistake somewhere? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!

Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 17 56 37 Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 18 04 44

exemple bad track:

    "error": 0,
    "satnum": "56532",
    "epochyr": 24,
    "epochdays": 236.11336932,
    "ndot": 0.00001791,
    "nddot": 0,
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    "cc5": 0.00012441636586399995,
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    "d4": 7.118037144080292e-32,
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    "omgcof": -1.0244224991108602e-8,
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    "nodedot": -0.00006588339179430682,
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    "a": 1.0879566627398578,
    "alta": 0.08818480725203437,
    "altp": 0.08772851822768124

exemple good track:

    "error": 0,
    "satnum": "60320",
    "epochyr": 24,
    "epochdays": 236.58334491,
    "ndot": -0.0174653,
    "nddot": 0,
    "bstar": -0.01572,
    "inclo": 0.9278170303601855,
    "nodeo": 0.771007923714755,
    "ecco": 0.0000847,
    "argpo": 0.994746916515664,
    "mo": 5.577347977734299,
    "no": 0.06853208585105452,
    "jdsatepoch": 2460546.08334491,
    "isimp": 0,
    "method": "n",
    "aycof": 0.0009383948661895064,
    "con41": 0.07849740940212402,
    "cc1": -5.868640315491601e-7,
    "cc4": 7.164567296981803e-7,
    "cc5": 0.0010835110607258704,
    "d2": 3.324836217470627e-11,
    "d3": -2.8189891967337796e-15,
    "d4": 2.787056513931511e-19,
    "delmo": 1.0046745441948546,
    "eta": 0.002044177906792021,
    "argpdot": 0.00003969364916096661,
    "omgcof": 0,
    "sinmao": -0.6486713220643282,
    "t": -76831.08335338533,
    "t2cof": -8.8029604732374e-7,
    "t3cof": 3.393718095775854e-11,
    "t4cof": -2.173284004865135e-15,
    "t5cof": 1.7258946935898602e-19,
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    "mdot": 0.068536011073524,
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    "xmcof": 0,
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