shattered97 / CameraTracker

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Create a feature Branch called: MyFirstFeatureBranch #11

Closed shattered97 closed 4 years ago

shattered97 commented 4 years ago

You already cloned the remote repo so now you need to create the feature branch.

First step make sure you are on the right branch and nothing needs to be commited. $git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

If you are not update to with origin/master then issue the following commands $git checkout master This changes you master branch on your local machine git pull origin master This pulls any updates from the branch master on remote repo

Now that you are up to date and on Master lets create your branch $git checkout MyFirstFeatureBranch

Open QT and start working on your new feature or bug. The top of QT should have your branch name to ensure you are working on the correct branch. Save your work often and put detailed comments. $git commit -m "Detailed message here describing what you changed. This example the message would be: Added debug statement to show the world I know how to branch in git"

After all your work is done you need to push your changes up to the remote repo.
$git push -u origin MyFirstFeatureBranch

To create the pull request - code review I will walk you through that on the phone.