shauleiz / vJoy

Virtual Joystick
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vJoy Feeder Failed... #2

Open RenaeMacLeod opened 8 years ago

RenaeMacLeod commented 8 years ago

vJoy Driver (version 0000) does not match vJoyInterface DLL (version 0216)

I tried just about every permutation of installing this without any luck. I will say that I was able to get UJR (joystick re-mapper) to recognise it for about 3 minutes at the first installation.

Windows 8.1, Saitek X-52 (with x64 driver and software installed) plugged into USB3 port. Saitek always worked without issue.

On the first install of vJoy the installation froze at the very end of the installation. The installer was not responsive. I killed processes using ProcExp from the lowest child process up until the installer came back and completed. I re-installed right after before trying anything and it completed without issue. I checked the bundled software Monitor/Feeder but they seemed no-responsive so I skipped them for now. I then went into UJR and had some difficulty but then the axes started responding. I went into a game to test and it wasn't working as expected. I then quit the game and from there I could not get UJR to work with the joystick. It should that it was connected but nothing was responding. From that point I tried various un/re-installations both with the joystick disconnected and connected. I fully removed all Saitek software and confirmed the X-52 was using the Windows drivers. I rebooted many times during all of this. I even tried going back through the various vJoy revisions. The one thing I would consistently check is vJoy Feeder to confirm whether it was connected properly. At some points my joystick would be completely disabled. Installing just the software and running the feeder without a joystick plugged in results in the same error. Some installations prompt for me to reboot while some don't.

I'm very confused. :(

RenaeMacLeod commented 8 years ago

Also, vJoy Device in the Game Controllers control panel never worked either. And lately when running UJR the X axis is always in countdown mode from 50. When it gets to 0 nothing happens.

RenaeMacLeod commented 8 years ago

I confirmed that all files seem to be in the right places.

shauleiz commented 8 years ago

Without getting into much details, vJoy seems to have failed to install. Please attach file "C:\Windows\INF\".

RenaeMacLeod commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the prompt response! Everything from the log before the first install of vJoy was removed. The only error I saw in there was related to certificates. Log is attached...

RenaeMacLeod commented 8 years ago

There was no mention of a reboot in order to complete driver installation and I don't think it was installed between a reboot. From what I've reads in other areas of the web it seems that people whoi have had a similar problem found a work-around and had to preform the work-around after reboots so I suspect a reboot after installation will not result in a change. This is a media server system with a lot of pre-windows boot processes for couple drive arrays, so rebooting is not something done very easily or quickly. Let me know if that is something I should try.

shauleiz commented 8 years ago

There are a couple of interesting sections in the file you have attached.

Lines 89-92:

sig:                          Error 0xe0000242: The publisher of an Authenticode(tm) signed catalog has not yet been established as trusted.

sig:                     {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE exit(0xe0000242)} 02:32:33.222

!!!  sig:                     Driver package signer is unknown, and user does not trust signer.

!!!  sig:                     Driver package failed signature validation. Error = 0xE0000243

The interesting part is user does not trust signer which means that at some point you have perhaps answered "no" to the "do you trust" question.

Lines 6644-6646:

    !    sig:                          Error 0x800b0101: A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the timestamp in the signed file.

         sig:                     {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE exit(0x800b0101)} 12:00:41.692

    !!!  sig:                     An unexpected error occurred while validating driver package. Catalog =, Error = 0x800B0101

Which was strange. Then I have noticed that you have tried to install an old version of vJoy (see line 6578)

Now, I'm not sure how to reset your system to accept my signature. It probably involves total removal of vJoy as explained here. Hope reboot will not be necessary.

RenaeMacLeod commented 8 years ago

I was typing in another window when the install was first running, maybe the second time, and the installer grabbed focus while I was typing and I selected the default of a dialog. That may have been it. I never saw an error during install at any time though. There was one other time when installing an older version where it asked me if I trusted the signer (I'm familiar with Windows test mode, and actually have it on frequently) and I said yes. I mentioned earlier that I started installing older versions to see if one of them worked.

I will look into the certificate thing to see if something was put on my computer that is preventing this from installing.

I had used that link (in reverse) to verify things were installed properly and it seemed all those files were in the right places. I will uninstall using the procedure now and re-install...

RenaeMacLeod commented 8 years ago

After running the uninstall from the program first, I performed all the steps listed in your link. I then found a few things...

  1. There was still a file, vjoy.sys, in the Windows/System32/drivers folder. It is the same version as the one from the current installer. I have removed this file.
  2. I checked all the certs on my computer through the MMC snap-ins for Current User and Local Computer. Your cert only existed in one place, the Trusted Publishers store. I removed that too.
  3. There were many references in the registry to vJoy. I did not remove them but I saved their parent keys to 25 files for anything other than MRU, search lists, and the like.

So after all that I got the cert request on install again, and accepted. It is now frozen and has been for a few minutes now. When I click on it I get a ding as if there is another window waiting for input but I cannot find it. I've attached an image of what ProcExp is showing me. PS - I renamed the installer to simply the version number,, last night when I started downloading older versions.

It's late here so I am going to bed and I will leave the window up overnight. Tomorrow I will clean up everything and run ProcMon to see what it stops after. I ran it after it froze and no mention of vJoy yet (~10 minutes now).

out of focus window


RenaeMacLeod commented 8 years ago

Well, I'm at a new impasse. Whether installing or uninstalling it freezes at the same point mentioned above. I have tried about 10 times now and in order to unfreeze it I need to stop conhost.exe and vJoyInstall.exe, aftyer which it posts an on-screen message about a failure. vJoyInstall.log is empty. The file and certificate previously deleted has re-appeared. I am going to reboot and try again...

RenaeMacLeod commented 8 years ago


My computer did not want to restart as usual. After about 20 minutes of looking at the 'Restarting...' screen it blue screened and rebooted. At boot-up I immediately installed vJoy and it succeeded. Checking the feeder program resulted in the same problem. After reviewing some of the previous links I had looked at one thing I saw before but didn't have success with was changing the device number. Last time I tried changing to device 2. This time I tried device 8. It asked me to reboot. Since I am focused on fixing this issue and it's during the the day when nothing is generally preventing a reboot I went ahead and rebooted immediately.

Success! Feeder now shows a message indicating that it is working.

I think I had to use a higher number than 2 (maybe because I had another physical joystick plugged in when trying it) and 1 doesn't seem to work on default install.

At any rate it's working now so I will move onto UJR, which I can now see seems to have an issue with auto-configure.


shauleiz commented 8 years ago

It is really annoying. I'd collaborate with UJR to see if the issue is related to it.

m-selig commented 2 years ago

I ran into a similar problem trying to install. I got this: vJoy Driver (version 0000) does not match vJoyInterface DLL (version 0219) When I rebooted and immediately did the install, then the install worked successfully.