shaunlebron / parinfer-codemirror

Parinfer layer for CodeMirror
ISC License
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The editor is unresponsive if the code is getting bigger #11

Open flexsurfer opened 6 years ago

flexsurfer commented 6 years ago

1) Open 2) Press "Screens" 3) Press "Profile Screen" 4) Try to edit a code 5) Editore is unresponsive

shaunlebron commented 6 years ago

sorry for missing this issue—just clicked "watch" on this repo, not sure why it's not on by default

i'll look at it this weekend

shaunlebron commented 6 years ago

@flexsurfer I pasted your editor code in my demo page and it seems fine there:

looks like there are some errors on your page that might be related?

screen shot 2018-06-12 at 12 19 05 pm
mk commented 5 years ago

@shaunlebron first of all, thanks for your awesome work!

Regarding this issue, I can reproduce the slowness by pasting a long (~120 lines) into both the online and local demo (current master d28cec6d4203f47a99b2b574ebb543a26eb447fa).

If you have a suggestion on how to improve this, please let me know. Otherwise I'll see if I can profile this when I fine the time.

For reference, here's the Clojure code I'm using:

;;   Copyright (c) Metadata Partners, LLC. All rights reserved.
;;   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;;   Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;;   which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;;   By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;;   the terms of this license.
;;   You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

(require '[clojure.pprint :refer (pprint)]
         '[datomic.api :as d]
         '[datomic.samples.mbrainz.rules :refer (rules)])

;; this file is intended for evaluation, form-by-form, at the REPL

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; get a connection ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;; Replace with your transactor's connection information
(def uri "datomic:free://localhost:4334/mbrainz-1968-1973")

(def conn (d/connect uri))
(def db (d/db conn))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; REPL safety and convenience ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;; for when you accidentally ask for all tracks...
(set! *print-length* 250)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; data queries ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

(d/q '[:find ?title
       :in $ ?artist-name
       [?a :artist/name ?artist-name]
       [?t :track/artists ?a]
       [?t :track/name ?title]]
     "John Lennon")

(d/q '[:find ?title ?album ?year
       :in $ ?artist-name
       [?a :artist/name   ?artist-name]
       [?t :track/artists ?a]
       [?t :track/name    ?title]
       [?m :medium/tracks ?t]
       [?r :release/media ?m]
       [?r :release/name  ?album]
       [?r :release/year  ?year]]
     "John Lennon")

(d/q '[:find ?title ?album ?year
       :in $ ?artist-name
       [?a :artist/name   ?artist-name]
       [?t :track/artists ?a]
       [?t :track/name    ?title]
       [?m :medium/tracks ?t]
       [?r :release/media ?m]
       [?r :release/name  ?album]
       [?r :release/year  ?year]
       [(< ?year 1970)]]
     "John Lennon")

(d/q '[:find ?title ?album ?year
       :in $ % ?artist-name
       [?a :artist/name   ?artist-name]
       [?t :track/artists ?a]
       [?t :track/name    ?title]
       (track-release ?t ?r)
       [?r :release/name  ?album]
       [?r :release/year  ?year]]
     "John Lennon")

(d/q '[:find ?title ?artist ?album ?year
       :in $ % ?search
       (track-search ?search ?track)
       (track-info ?track ?title ?artist ?album ?year)]

(d/q '[:find ?aname ?aname2
       :in $ % [?aname ...]
       :where (collab ?aname ?aname2)]
     db rules ["John Lennon" "Paul McCartney" "George Harrison" "Ringo Starr"])

(d/q '[:find ?aname ?aname2
       :in $ % [?aname ...]
       :where (collab-net-2 ?aname ?aname2)]
     ["George Harrison"])

(def query '[:find ?aname2
             :in $ % [[?aname]]
             :where (collab ?aname ?aname2)])

(d/q query
     (d/q query
          [["Diana Ross"]]))

(d/q '[:find ?aname ?tname
       :in $ ?artist-name
       [?a :artist/name ?artist-name]
       [?t :track/artists ?a]
       [?t :track/name ?tname]
       [(!= "Outro" ?tname)]
       [(!= "[outro]" ?tname)]
       [(!= "Intro" ?tname)]
       [(!= "[intro]" ?tname)]
       [?t2 :track/name ?tname]
       [?t2 :track/artists ?a2]
       [(!= ?a2 ?a)]
       [?a2 :artist/name ?aname]]
     "Bill Withers")