shaunsingh / nord.nvim

Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette, written in lua with tree sitter support
GNU General Public License v2.0
803 stars 107 forks source link

Mechanic for customizing individual colors #83

Open felipesere opened 2 years ago

felipesere commented 2 years ago

👋 Thank you for making nord.nvim!

Do you think its possible to add a mechanic to override colours for specific groups? For example, I'd like to use a different (Nord) colour for structs in Rust.

I'd be happy to contribute 😸

ferrao commented 1 year ago

@felipesere the only thing the plugin exports is basically a set function to load everything, which makes it impossible to override or customize individual colors.

We can always override using vim commands, which is what I did to fix somethings which seem broken, namely the html syntax highlighting:

vim.cmd [[colorscheme nord]]

-- Fix HTML highlight
vim.cmd [[highlight @tag gui=bold guifg=#81A1C1]]
vim.cmd [[highlight @tag.delimiter gui=bold guifg=#616E88]]
vim.cmd [[highlight @tag.attribute guifg=#B48EAD]]

-- Fix elixir syntax
vim.cmd [[highlight @function gui=italic guifg=#81A1C1]]