shauryauppal / PyWhatsapp

Python Automation using selenium & Scheduling of messages and media
Apache License 2.0
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Multiple line message #11

Closed rocly-s closed 5 years ago

rocly-s commented 5 years ago

How can we send multiple line message from python? I modifiied your codesand

def input_message():
    global message
    # Enter your Good Morning Msg
    message_u = input("Type Message:")
    message = message_u + "\n Auto Tested"

And ran the script, the result was, it was sending each line as a single message.(first message_u then Auto Tested) screenshot_2018-09-12-16-25-00-250_com whatsapp

shauryauppal commented 5 years ago

Will look into this if you found the solution do comment out or send PR.

shauryauppal commented 5 years ago

@rocly-s thanks to @Contrevien your Issue has been resolved. XD