shauryauppal / PyWhatsapp

Python Automation using selenium & Scheduling of messages and media
Apache License 2.0
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Failed to send message Element not found #65

Closed youmania83 closed 3 years ago

youmania83 commented 3 years ago

I am getting following errors.

918368137724 Do you want to add more contacts(y/n)->n Unsaved numbers entered list-> ['918368137724']

Press ENTER to continue... Do you want to schedule your Message(yes/no):n Would you like to send attachment(yes/no): n Would you file to send a Document file(yes/no): n SCAN YOUR QR CODE FOR WHATSAPP WEB QR scanned Sending message to 918368137724 Failed to send message Task Completed

please help .

i think its unable to find element.

varshil1 commented 3 years ago

I am facing the same problem for unsaved numbers only. Please help

riflab commented 3 years ago

@youmania83 you should write no instead of n

shauryauppal commented 3 years ago

@varshil1 and @youmania83 are you still facing an issue?