shawnanastasio / libkvmchan

An implementation of the Xen vchan API on KVM
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GUI Resources #22

Open nrgaway opened 3 years ago

nrgaway commented 3 years ago

I started this issue to discuss what is required to get the gui-(daemon,agent} implemented. I know your plan is to start working on this at some point and you mentioned upstream changes may be required after some brief discussions you had with @marmarek. I am not sure if those discussions were in relation to adding libvchan_setup_connection and libvchan_cleanup_connection or something else within gui-agent.

Are changes required for libvchan?

The discussion in issue #1 talked about implementing some features within both libkvmchan and upstream Qubes libvchan. Since that time you have made various changes to libkvmchan so I am wondering is those changes are still required to get the gui-agent working. I guess that is up to you and @marmarek to figure out.

Are changes required for libkvmchand?

Does libkvmchand already have the ability to handle shared memory or is something else required like kernel drivers. When researching ivshmem I can across the LookingGlass site which captures the GUI frame buffer and shares its output with the host or other guest VM using ivshmem. They have a kernel module that could serve as an example.

As you may have a busy schedule, I am willing to assist implementing any changes to Qubes components I can as well as any work required to get shared memory working for the gui-agent running in a KVM environment.

I had started gathering reference material to assist you but after coming across the work you completed within the qubes-gui-daemon repo it appears you have a good handle on what is required so I'll just post what I have so far in hopes it may be helpful to someone. My comments are my understanding of how the gui-{daemon,agent} currently communicates.

gui-agent-linux (qubes-gui-agent) Overview

On boot within the qubes-gui-agent.service is responsible for preparing and setting up a graphical session for the default user using an Xorg or Xephyr (if guivm-gui-agent qubes-service enabled) server. For our use case we will only be initializing the Xorg server.

The qubes-gui-agent service unit file performs some initial pre-configuration then executes /usr/bin/qubes-gui with options contained within '/var/run/qubes-service-environment' that were set within the /usr/lib/qubes/ pre-configuration script.

When /usr/bin/qubes-gui is executed, it connects using port 6000 to qubes-guid on the host. After connecting it sets some environment variables after requesting some Xorg configuration details (screen width, height, depth and memory as well as the $GUI_DOMID), and then calls /usr/bin/qubes-run-xorg to start the default users x-windows session. Using the environment variables set by qubes-gui, the qubes-run-xorg script creates a Xorg configuration file '/etc/X11/xorg-qubes.conf' from a template '/etc/X11/xorg-qubes.conf.template' and then calls /usr/bin/qubes-gui-runuser to start the x-server as the default user add a graphical session through PAM.

During x-windows startup various other qrexec serverices are started such as qrexec-fork-server, and qrexec-policy-agent. Note that for the host to be able to communicate with the guest VM using Qubes tools such as qvm-run --pass-io fc32 'cat /home/user/log' > log, it is required that the qrexec-fork-server has been started as the default user.