shawncplus / phpcomplete.vim

Improved PHP omnicompletion
594 stars 111 forks source link

[neocomplete] Error occurred calling omnifunction: phpcomplete#CompletePHP #81

Closed coresh closed 8 years ago

coresh commented 8 years ago

I was trying to edit:


'|' is cursor place. Result: vim error messages outputted.

Used plugin:

[neocomplete] Error occurred calling omnifunction: phpcomplete#CompletePHP
[neocomplete] function neocomplete#handler#_do_auto_complete..neocomplete#complete#_get_results..neocomplete#complete#_set_results_words..660..<SNR>286_set_complete_results_words..phpcomplete#CompletePHP..phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral..phpcomplete#GetTaglist, line 21
[neocomplete] Vim(let):E431: Format error in tags file "/m/tags"
[neocomplete] Error occurred calling omnifunction: phpcomplete#CompletePHP
[neocomplete] function neocomplete#handler#_do_auto_complete..neocomplete#complete#_get_results..neocomplete#complete#_set_results_words..660..<SNR>286_set_complete_results_words..phpcomplete#CompletePHP..phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral..phpcomplete#GetTaglist, line 21
/usr/local/bin/ctags --version                                                                                                                                                                                                              on  master|✚6?
Exuberant Ctags Development, Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Darren Hiebert
  Compiled: Dec  3 2015, 15:49:13
  Addresses: <>,
  Optional compiled features: +wildcards, +regex
$ head -20 tags                                                                                                                                                                                                                               on  master|✚6?
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT       2       /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED       1       /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR    Darren Hiebert  /
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME      Exuberant Ctags //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL    /official site/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION   Development     //
1       lib.2015_09_24__00_18_18/PEAR/SOAP/Base.php     /^            $this->namespace = $m[1];$/;"     n
1       lib/PEAR/SOAP/Base.php  /^            $this->namespace = $m[1];$/;"     n
A       app/code/community/Fontis/Australia/lib/vendor/fontis/auspost-api-php/tests/Auspost/Tests/Common/EnumTest.php   /^    const A = 1;$/;"  d       class:Auspost\Tests\Common::ConcreteEnum
A       lib/piwik/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Aws/Route53/Enum/RecordType.php    /^    const A = 'A';$/;"        d       class:Aws\Route53\Enum::RecordType
A       lib/piwik/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/tests/Aws/Tests/Common/EnumTest.php    /^    const A = 1;$/;"  d       class:Aws\Tests\Common::ConcreteEnum
A       lib/piwik/vendor/phpunit/php-token-stream/tests/_fixture/source2.php    /^abstract class A {$/;"        c       implementation:abstract
A       lib/piwik/vendor/symfony/yaml/Symfony/Component/Yaml/Tests/DumperTest.php       /^class A$/;"   c       namespace:Symfony\Component\Yaml\Tests
A       phpctags.phar   /^class A$/;"   c
A       phpctags.phar   /^class A$/;"   c       namespace:Symfony\Component\Yaml\Tests
A       phpctags.phar   /^interface A$/;"       i
AAAA    lib/piwik/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Aws/Route53/Enum/RecordType.php    /^    const AAAA = 'AAAA';$/;"  d       class:Aws\Route53\Enum::RecordType
ABAMPERE        lib.2015_09_24__00_18_18/Zend/Measure/Current.php       /^    const ABAMPERE             = 'ABAMPERE';$/;"      d       class:Zend_Measure_Current
ABAMPERE        lib/Zend/Measure/Current.php    /^    const ABAMPERE             = 'ABAMPERE';$/;"      d       class:Zend_Measure_Current
ABANDON lib/piwik/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Aws/Swf/Enum/ChildPolicy.php       /^    const ABANDON = 'ABANDON';$/;"    d       class:Aws\Swf\Enum::ChildPolicy
complex857 commented 8 years ago

Jugging from the error you seem to have a malformed tags file generated. If i remember correctly really long tag names can cause this, but it's more likely a bug in the patched ctags. Could you send me the whole tags file (you can email it to me if all else fails)? We need to find out which tag line is causing the problem and then we can grab the source file that it came from and use it to debug/fix ctags if need be.

coresh commented 8 years ago

Issue: fixed by regenerating tags (as well as possible paste to wiki):

$ ctags -V --links=no -R --fields=+aimS --languages=php --sort=yes  --exclude=@.ctagsignore

file '.ctagsignore' created by:

$ for x in $(find . -type f | grep -vE '\.php|\.git|mage\-\-' | sed 's#.*/##g' | awk -F"." '{print $NF}'); do echo "*.*${x}"; done | sort | uniq > .ctagsignore

.ctagsignore file content:
