shawnrice / bundler-docs

Documentation Development for Alfred Bundler
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Wrapper Documentation #3

Open shawnrice opened 10 years ago

shawnrice commented 10 years ago

We need to figure out how to integrate the wrapper documentation into these doc pages.

With the Ruby and the PHP, I included the files in the api-generation, so they're documented that way, but we should push the wrapper-howto into their own pages. I remember that you did a rough draft of the documentation for them. Have you gotten a chance to work on those any more?

stephen-bunn commented 10 years ago

I've put it off because I wanted to see what the layout of the other "how-to" documentation would be. I'll get to work on creating the documentation for the wrappers ASAP. Will we be using bootstrap for our documentation?

shawnrice commented 10 years ago

I've put this together using Foundation. It's pretty easy to use and has a million features, and it uses scss, which is great. I haven't implemented most of the features, but we can enable anything that we need.

Just clone this repo to see what's going on so far.

shawnrice commented 10 years ago

I added syntax highlighting to the page using HighlightJS.

For any file, just add these lines to the top

<!-- Syntax Highlighting -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="highlight/foundation.css" />
<script src="highlight/highlight.pack.js"></script>

After that, whenever you want to put in a code block, just use:

<pre><code class="langaugename">My code here</code></pre>

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