shawnrice / bundler-docs

Documentation Development for Alfred Bundler
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Team Page #5

Closed shawnrice closed 10 years ago

shawnrice commented 10 years ago

@deanishe, @Ritashugisha, @smargh: I wrote up a "team" page for us for two reasons, but I want you all to check it out and let me know what you think.

The first reason is to just show us off a bit more. It's nice to have some of the links available, and, really, they can't hurt to have. I used everyone's GH avatar, so if you change those on GH, then they'll change in the docs. For the "Alfred Credits," I selected what seemed like the most popular things we've all done (based on Packal downloads, etc...). But if there is anything in those that you want to add or remove, then feel free to just do so.

The second reason is about "trust." When I talked to Andrew about the Bundler a while ago, he said that he thought it was a clever idea, but he and Vero weren't big fans of it because it seemed to slow things down and make users not so happy that Alfred was apparently installing things on their computers. One result of that conversation was the AppleScript installation messages (although we had started to implement those already), but I quickly wrote up the explanation page so that regular users can understand what's going on (we should change the "more info" button to head to this page rather than the wiki when we push the new documentation — also, I/we need to rewrite that page. I wrote it in ten minutes, and so it's not the best and actually had some grammatical errors, which the makes the college English teacher in me feel disgraced). But, I figure that if we show off a bunch of the stuff that we've done, then it'll make users more likely to trust the Bundler, especially if they've heard of/use some of the stuff that we have.

But... I'm open to changing everything about the page, including its existence if anyone has objects.

I originally included what parts of the bundler we all worked on, but I figured that we'd get rid of that. It seems nicer to make us look like a full team, taking credit together and only together.

Also, for any lists that I've been making (languages, etc...), I've been going lexicographically, but the "team" list has always been in order of start date. I figure that's fair.

fractaledmind commented 10 years ago

Short (iPhone) response: Personalizing the Bundler seems like a good idea to me. This isn't "The Alfred Bundler". This is a collection of tools built by people who love Alfred and use Alfred all of the time in order to help us and others use Alfred better. So, the team page makes sense to me. I say keep it, in whatever form it takes.

deanishe commented 10 years ago

See, this is why I wanted to put your name on the dialog, @shawnrice

shawnrice commented 10 years ago

@deanishe But I just couldn't find a way to not make that incredibly awkward.