Thank you for sharing this dataset.
In the paper, you showed only three textual label for beat & rhythm label in the test set, respectively.
I analyzed your dataset and found that there are about at leat five beat/rhythm label index {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} in the dataset, However, I can not find the complete textual label list, and the the relation between them.
It seems that this information is missing. Can you help me?
Hi, Thank you for sharing this dataset. In the paper, you showed only three textual label for beat & rhythm label in the test set, respectively.
I analyzed your dataset and found that there are about at leat five beat/rhythm label index {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} in the dataset, However, I can not find the complete textual label list, and the the relation between them.
It seems that this information is missing. Can you help me?
Thank you sincerely.