shawntschwartz / eyeris

create and run flexible and reproducible pupillometry preprocessing pipelines in R (under active development)
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feature request: diagnostic plots of entire timeseries + epochs #7

Open shawntschwartz opened 3 weeks ago

shawntschwartz commented 3 weeks ago


shawntschwartz commented 5 days ago

@mh105 can you provide any additional thoughts about the two points i raised in the initial issue comment above? thanks!

mh105 commented 4 days ago

paginate full time series plots to demonstrate effects of each step (overlay each step)

I agree. Diagnostic plots and Plots of entire time series are two different concepts that serve different purposes. For a preprocessing package eyeris (at least for now) shouldn't have to worry about providing a nice pagination GUI to flip through the entire time series / all epochs. We may add this bonus functionality later, but for now it's sufficient to provide enough visualization for diagnostic evaluation.

My suggestion is to randomly pick 3 epochs (don't just show one because that doesn't feel representative enough) and show the step-by-step impacts of the processing pipeline. So you could have different steps across the rows, and 3 columns, or transpose it. This way the qualitative assessment is not just on a single epoch. And when people should be able to call the plot function again, which should randomly select yet another 3 epochs -> so if people want they can just do this however many times their hearts desire until they feel they have reached sufficient qualitative assessment. If the pipeline didn't epoch, just randomly pick 3 five-second periods and do the same thing. And you are right that users will have access to all the raw/preprocessed time series anyways, so they can plot them however they want. What do you think about this suggestion?

allow these step-wise plots to be generated and saved out (especially if user is running analysis on a headless machine)

Oh yeah no. Saving svg is easy enough in R that you don't really want to spend the efforts to accept and parse a saving directory and all that. People can and should be able to chain a saving call to the figure handle themselves, if they are comfortable enough to run the pipeline on headless machines.

shawntschwartz commented 4 days ago

great, thanks! glad we're on the same page about this @mh105!