shawon-majid / Problem-Solving-Discussion

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Graph theory #2

Open shawon-majid opened 3 years ago

shawon-majid commented 3 years ago

My Graph notes, blogs and articles Mostly from Youtube and Graph Algorithm book by Shafayet Ashraf

shawon-majid commented 3 years ago

BFS and 2D BFS basic:

Code of BFS on connected graph:

Code of 2D BFS:

shawon-majid commented 3 years ago

DFS basic: video:

shawon-majid commented 3 years ago

Dijkstra basic: Graph Algo book Code of Dijkstra with path:

shawon-majid commented 3 years ago

Floyd Warshal basic: Graph Algo book code:

shawon-majid commented 3 years ago

Bellman Ford video: Code of negative cycle detection: (this was my implementation of bellman ford algorithm but I think that this is not most efficient one, refer to Mehraj's Code in the graph Contest of problem N to see the better implementation of Bellman ford algorithm by making a structure of edges)

shawon-majid commented 3 years ago

Segment Tree

  1. Errichto Video
  2. Segment Tree Marathon Contest
  3. Segment Tree Lazy Propagation Shafayets Blog
  4. My implementation of Segment tree for range minimum query
  5. Segment Tree Lazy Propagation implementation
  6. Segment Tree Master Code
shawon-majid commented 3 years ago

Disjoint Set

shawon-majid commented 3 years ago

Topological Sort

shawon-majid commented 3 years ago

Minimum Spanning Tree

shawon-majid commented 2 years ago

Tree Algorithms

  1. Introduction to tree Algorithms
  2. Basic Tree Traversal Code
  3. Tree Diameter (check 14.2 of the book)
  4. Tree Diameter Video
  5. Tree Diameter Code