Display counter cards that show the number of registered employees and pending employees invited via Automation CVS.
These cards provide a quick overview of the company's presence on the platform and the progress of employee registrations.
Make a Post:
Allow admin users (employers) to create and share posts related to the company.
Posts can include text, images, videos, and other multimedia content.
Posted content will be visible below the "About" and "Why Work with Us" sections.
Employees can interact with posts by commenting, liking, and sharing them on social networks, encouraging engagement and communication within the organization.
Dedicated Tabs:
Create dedicated tabs in the employer's profile for easy navigation and access to different sections.
Profile Tab:
3.1 Profile: (As mentioned above)
Display information about the company and its profile.
Employees Tab:
3.2 Employees:
Provide a card view of all registered employees who have been approved after email verification.
Each employee card includes a picture, full name, job title, and links to their social networking profiles.
Admin users have the authority to delete, edit, and add employees to the "Meet the Team" tab.
3.3 Meet the Team:
Showcase key individuals such as Tech and Team lead, board members, and managers.
Each individual's card will be consistent in format same as in the Employees cards.
Admins can perform actions like deleting or editing cards.
This section serves as a way to highlight important figures in the company and provide a visual representation of the team's structure.
Search Functionality:
Implement a search section in the "Employees," "Open Positions," and "Meet the Team" tabs.
This search functionality enables users to find specific individuals, job positions, or team members quickly and efficiently.
Open Positions Tab:
3.4 Open Positions:
List the current job openings within the company.
Structure the presentation similar to bookmarks, making it easy for users to browse and explore available positions.
This section offers an organized and easily accessible view of job opportunities within the organization.
Edit the background:
Admin user can edit and change the background picture
You can take some reference from the following link: https://minimals.cc/dashboard/user.
Counter Cards:
Make a Post:
Dedicated Tabs:
Profile Tab: 3.1 Profile: (As mentioned above)
Employees Tab: 3.2 Employees:
3.3 Meet the Team:
Search Functionality:
Open Positions Tab: 3.4 Open Positions: