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Employer Dashboard - Manage Jobs #44

Open shaypi opened 3 months ago

shaypi commented 3 months ago

The Employer Manage Jobs page allows employers to view and manage all their active and inactive job listings. Here's an explanation of the components commonly found on the Manage Jobs page:

Refer to the new design:




  4. Job Listings: The Manage Jobs page displays a list of job listings created by the employer. Each job listing typically includes information such as the job title, company name, location, date posted, and status (active or inactive). In the Job Listings section of the employer's Manage Jobs page, there are several additional options available for each job listing. Here's an explanation of these options:

  1. Job Types: There are two types of jobs on the Manage Jobs page: normal jobs and advertising jobs. Normal jobs are standard job listings, while advertising jobs are promoted or sponsored listings that receive additional visibility and exposure.

  2. Popup for Job Details: When an employer clicks on a job listing, a popup window opens with detailed information about the job. The popup usually consists of multiple tabs:

  1. Adding Co-Workers: The Manage Jobs page also allows employers to add co-workers or team members to participate in the recruiting process. By adding co-workers, employers can assign specific roles and responsibilities, such as reviewing candidates, conducting interviews, or managing job applications.