shazamio / ShazamIO

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Getting album from song/artist #99

Closed robtekky closed 2 months ago

robtekky commented 3 months ago

Hello. I am using the recognize API to successfully identify a number of different attributes from a given song file:

Is there a way to get the list of albums that title has been included into for the given _artist/artistid ?

The dict returned by recognize does not seem to contain such information. I have also tried with track_about, and artist_albums, to no avail.


dotX12 commented 3 months ago

What do you want to get, what attributes?


dotX12 commented 3 months ago
    artist_id = 1300793014
    albums = await shazam.artist_albums(artist_id=artist_id)
    serialized = Serialize.artist_albums(data=albums)
    for i in

        print(f"{i.attributes.artist_name} ->>>>>>>> {} - {i.attributes.track_count} {i.attributes.release_date}")
BONES ->>>>>>>> FromBeyondTheGrave - 12 2020-11-07
BONES ->>>>>>>> IFeelLikeDirt - 14 2019-11-29
BONES ->>>>>>>> InLovingMemory - 17 2021-06-18
BONES ->>>>>>>> Offline - 16 2020-02-25
BONES ->>>>>>>> TeenWitch - 17 2014-02-25
BONES & Eddy Baker ->>>>>>>> SparrowsCreek - 10 2019-02-11
BONES ->>>>>>>> UnderTheWillowTree - 19 2019-05-03
BONES ->>>>>>>> Unrendered - 18 2017-04-21
Xavier Wulf & BONES ->>>>>>>> Caves - EP - 6 2013-12-14
BONES & Lyson ->>>>>>>> Remains - 13 2020-05-31

i see, albums collab many artists

BONES & Eddy Baker ->>>>>>>> SparrowsCreek - 10 2019-02-11
Xavier Wulf & BONES ->>>>>>>> Caves - EP - 6 2013-12-14
BONES & Lyson ->>>>>>>> Remains - 13 2020-05-31
robtekky commented 3 months ago

@dotX12 Thanks for the prompt reply.

What I need is which album/albums are associated to a certain track. I know the artist_albums function returns all albums for the given artist, but it does not contain a list of track titles included into each album.

That is what I am looking for:


dotX12 commented 3 months ago

@dotX12 Thanks for the prompt reply.

What I need is which album/albums are associated to a certain track. I know the artist_albums function returns all albums for the given artist, but it does not contain a list of track titles included into each album.

That is what I am looking for:

  • the list of album(s) for the given artist, and including the given track title.


do u need this?

import asyncio
from shazamio import Shazam, Serialize

async def main():
    shazam = Shazam()
    albums = await shazam.search_album(album_id=1538894474)
    serialized = Serialize.album_info(data=albums)

    for i in[0]
        msg = f"{} | {i.attributes.album_name} | {i.attributes.artist_name} [{}]"

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop()
1538894476 | FromBeyondTheGrave | BONES [FromBeyondTheGrave]
1538894477 | FromBeyondTheGrave | BONES [Ashes]
1538894478 | FromBeyondTheGrave | BONES [2Stroke]
1538894479 | FromBeyondTheGrave | BONES [Equipped]
1538894480 | FromBeyondTheGrave | BONES [.223]
1538894481 | FromBeyondTheGrave | BONES [WhoGoesThere]
1538894482 | FromBeyondTheGrave | BONES [BarbwireRibCage]
1538894483 | FromBeyondTheGrave | BONES [TombstoneKiller]
1538894484 | FromBeyondTheGrave | BONES [SkeletonRaps]
1538894485 | FromBeyondTheGrave | BONES [RedAlert]
1538894486 | FromBeyondTheGrave | BONES [Cement]
1538894487 | FromBeyondTheGrave | BONES [DarkShadowBlunts]
robtekky commented 3 months ago

Ummmm, not exactly. Although maybe it can end up working well ...

In your example, you have the album id already known.

If I want to get that, I think I will need to get all albums associated to the artist id, and for each of those albums, do your stuff ....

Basically, my logic will be something like the following:

  1. Let's assume that I want to know the album name of the track Thriller, from Michael Jackson. For that, I only have the mp3 file, with no artist, no title and no album added to its metadata.
  2. First, I use the Shazam.recognize function to get the artist_id, the artist name and the title of the track.
  3. then, I will use Shazam.artist_albums to get all the albums of the given artist id.
  4. and now, I will iterate thru the obtained albums, caling Shazam.album_info to get the tracks inside, until we find a track with title equal to the title obtained on step 2.

Hope this makes sense .....

I will give it a try and let you know.


dotX12 commented 3 months ago

Ummmm, not exacly. Although maybe it can end up working well ...

In your example, you have the album id already known.

If I want to get that, I think I will need to get all albums associated to the artist id, and for each of those albums, do your stuff ....

Basically, my logic will be something like the following:

  1. Let's assume that I want to know the album name of the track Thriller, from Michael Jackson. For that, I only have the mp3 file, with no artist, no title and no album added to its metadata.
  2. First, I use the Shazam.recognize function to get the artist_id, the artist name and the title of the track.
  3. then, I will use Shazam.artist_albums to get all the albums of the given artist id.
  4. and now, I will iterate thru the obtained albums, caling Shazam.album_info to get the tracks inside, until we find a track with title equal to the title obtained on step 2.

Hope this makes sense .....

I will give it a try and let you know.


The code I provided above has not yet been added. If I understand correctly, you need to find out from the file with the song which album this song is in?

robtekky commented 3 months ago


dotX12 commented 3 months ago

@robtekky two steps.

Do you only need the album title or do you want to somehow work with the tracks within that album? If only the name of the album - as a result there is a lot of different data, for example here.

import asyncio
import logging
from typing import Optional
from aiohttp_retry import ExponentialRetry

from shazamio import Shazam, HTTPClient

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d - %(funcName)s()] - %(levelname)s - %(message)s",
    datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",

def get_album_name(data: dict[str, any]) -> Optional[str]:
    for element in data["sections"]:
        if element["type"] == "SONG":
            for item in element["metadata"]:
                if item["title"] == "Album":
                    return item["text"]

async def main():
    shazam = Shazam(
                attempts=12, max_timeout=204.8, statuses={500, 502, 503, 504, 429}

    new_version_path = await shazam.recognize("data/Gloria.ogg")
    album_name = get_album_name(data=new_version_path["track"])

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop()
dotX12 commented 3 months ago

But if for some reason this is not enough for you, you can make an additional request on shazam to find out more details about this album. I haven't released search_album to pypi yet, but you can try pulling changes from the dev2.0 ( branch (again, if you really need it), maybe the function above will suffice.

import asyncio
import logging

from aiohttp_retry import ExponentialRetry

from shazamio import Shazam, Serialize, HTTPClient

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d - %(funcName)s()] - %(levelname)s - %(message)s",
    datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",

async def main():
    shazam = Shazam(
                attempts=12, max_timeout=204.8, statuses={500, 502, 503, 504, 429}

    new_version_path = await shazam.recognize("data/Gloria.ogg")

    album_info = await shazam.search_album(album_id=new_version_path["track"]["albumadamid"])
    album_serialized = Serialize.album_info(data=album_info)
    # Get album name

    # And get all tracks in album
    for i in[0]
        msg = (
            f"{} | {i.attributes.album_name} | {i.attributes.artist_name} [{}]"

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop()
dotX12 commented 3 months ago

You can analyze the response from Shazam recognize (json) yourself and see what data it returns :)

robtekky commented 3 months ago

Yeah, thanks, that is what I did .... not sure if I overlooked it somehow though ....

I will give it a try and get back to you.


robtekky commented 3 months ago

Unfortunately, using the get_album_name function you posted, I get None for the album name most of the times. It seems what we get when recognize function is called does not normally contain the album name inside.

search_album is not an option for me, since I do not have the album id to be used as input parameter.

I am afraid I will have to use something like Spotipy library additionally in order to get the album name for a given song title.


dotX12 commented 3 months ago

Unfortunately, using the get_album_name function you posted, I get None for the album name most of the times. It seems what we get when recognize function is called does not normally contain the album name inside.

search_album is not an option for me, since I do not have the album id to be used as input parameter.

I am afraid I will have to use something like Spotipy library additionally in order to get the album name for a given song title.


But the album identifier is in the response when calling the recognize function :/

result_recognize = await shazam.recognize("data/Gloria.ogg")
album_id = result_recognize["track"]["albumadamid"]
album_info = await shazam.search_album(album_id=album_id)
album_serialized = Serialize.album_info(data=album_info)
# Get album name
robtekky commented 3 months ago

ah ok, I will try that and post the results here ....

robtekky commented 3 months ago

But the album identifier is in the response when calling the recognize function :/

Not in my case, at least not always.

This is what I get from recognize for song title: Tarantula, artist: Smashing Pumpkins:

{'matches': [{'id': '216933643', 'offset': 109.620734375, 'timeskew': -0.00013494492, 'frequencyskew': 0.00012087822}], 'location': {'accuracy': 0.01}, 'timestamp': 2323680605, 'timezone': 'Europe/Moscow', 'track': {'layout': '5', 'type': 'MUSIC', 'key': '45053306', 'title': 'Tarantula', 'subtitle': 'The Smashing Pumpkins', 'images': {'background': '', 'coverart': '', 'coverarthq': ''}, 'share': {'subject': 'Tarantula - The Smashing Pumpkins', 'text': 'Tarantula by The Smashing Pumpkins', 'href': '', 'image': '', 'twitter': 'I used @Shazam to discover Tarantula by The Smashing Pumpkins.', 'html': '', 'avatar': '', 'snapchat': ''}, 'hub': {'type': 'APPLEMUSIC', 'image': '{scalefactor}.png', 'options': [{'caption': 'OPEN IN', 'actions': [{'name': 'hub:applemusic:subscribe', 'type': 'applemusicopen', 'uri': ''}, {'name': 'hub:applemusic:subscribe', 'type': 'uri', 'uri': ''}], 'beacondata': {'type': 'open', 'providername': 'applemusic'}, 'image': '{scalefactor}.png', 'type': 'open', 'listcaption': 'Open in Apple Music', 'overflowimage': '{scalefactor}.png', 'colouroverflowimage': False, 'providername': 'applemusic'}], 'providers': [{'caption': 'Open in Spotify', 'images': {'overflow': '{scalefactor}.png', 'default': '{scalefactor}.png'}, 'actions': [{'name': 'hub:spotify:searchdeeplink', 'type': 'uri', 'uri': 'spotify:search:Tarantula%20The%20Smashing%20Pumpkins'}], 'type': 'SPOTIFY'}, {'caption': 'Open in Deezer', 'images': {'overflow': '{scalefactor}.png', 'default': '{scalefactor}.png'}, 'actions': [{'name': 'hub:deezer:searchdeeplink', 'type': 'uri', 'uri': 'deezer-query://'}], 'type': 'DEEZER'}], 'explicit': False, 'displayname': 'APPLE MUSIC'}, 'sections': [{'type': 'SONG', 'metapages': [{'image': '', 'caption': 'The Smashing Pumpkins'}, {'image': '', 'caption': 'Tarantula'}], 'tabname': 'Song', 'metadata': []}, {'type': 'VIDEO', 'tabname': 'Video', 'youtubeurl': ''}, {'type': 'RELATED', 'url': '', 'tabname': 'Related'}], 'url': '', 'artists': [{'id': '42', 'adamid': '1646302'}], 'genres': {'primary': 'Hard Rock'}, 'urlparams': {'{tracktitle}': 'Tarantula', '{trackartist}': 'The+Smashing+Pumpkins'}, 'highlightsurls': {'artisthighlightsurl': ''}, 'relatedtracksurl': ''}, 'tagid': 'F45B7EC2-2EE4-49E1-8657-619F4C043D2C'}

There is an artist_id (adamid), but there is no albumadamid.

dotX12 commented 3 months ago

But the album identifier is in the response when calling the recognize function :/

Not in my case, at least not always.

This is what I get from recognize for song title: Tarantula, artist: Smashing Pumpkins:

{'matches': [{'id': '216933643', 'offset': 109.620734375, 'timeskew': -0.00013494492, 'frequencyskew': 0.00012087822}], 'location': {'accuracy': 0.01}, 'timestamp': 2323680605, 'timezone': 'Europe/Moscow', 'track': {'layout': '5', 'type': 'MUSIC', 'key': '45053306', 'title': 'Tarantula', 'subtitle': 'The Smashing Pumpkins', 'images': {'background': '', 'coverart': '', 'coverarthq': ''}, 'share': {'subject': 'Tarantula - The Smashing Pumpkins', 'text': 'Tarantula by The Smashing Pumpkins', 'href': '', 'image': '', 'twitter': 'I used @Shazam to discover Tarantula by The Smashing Pumpkins.', 'html': '', 'avatar': '', 'snapchat': ''}, 'hub': {'type': 'APPLEMUSIC', 'image': '{scalefactor}.png', 'options': [{'caption': 'OPEN IN', 'actions': [{'name': 'hub:applemusic:subscribe', 'type': 'applemusicopen', 'uri': ''}, {'name': 'hub:applemusic:subscribe', 'type': 'uri', 'uri': ''}], 'beacondata': {'type': 'open', 'providername': 'applemusic'}, 'image': '{scalefactor}.png', 'type': 'open', 'listcaption': 'Open in Apple Music', 'overflowimage': '{scalefactor}.png', 'colouroverflowimage': False, 'providername': 'applemusic'}], 'providers': [{'caption': 'Open in Spotify', 'images': {'overflow': '{scalefactor}.png', 'default': '{scalefactor}.png'}, 'actions': [{'name': 'hub:spotify:searchdeeplink', 'type': 'uri', 'uri': 'spotify:search:Tarantula%20The%20Smashing%20Pumpkins'}], 'type': 'SPOTIFY'}, {'caption': 'Open in Deezer', 'images': {'overflow': '{scalefactor}.png', 'default': '{scalefactor}.png'}, 'actions': [{'name': 'hub:deezer:searchdeeplink', 'type': 'uri', 'uri': 'deezer-query://'}], 'type': 'DEEZER'}], 'explicit': False, 'displayname': 'APPLE MUSIC'}, 'sections': [{'type': 'SONG', 'metapages': [{'image': '', 'caption': 'The Smashing Pumpkins'}, {'image': '', 'caption': 'Tarantula'}], 'tabname': 'Song', 'metadata': []}, {'type': 'VIDEO', 'tabname': 'Video', 'youtubeurl': ''}, {'type': 'RELATED', 'url': '', 'tabname': 'Related'}], 'url': '', 'artists': [{'id': '42', 'adamid': '1646302'}], 'genres': {'primary': 'Hard Rock'}, 'urlparams': {'{tracktitle}': 'Tarantula', '{trackartist}': 'The+Smashing+Pumpkins'}, 'highlightsurls': {'artisthighlightsurl': ''}, 'relatedtracksurl': ''}, 'tagid': 'F45B7EC2-2EE4-49E1-8657-619F4C043D2C'}

There is an artist_id (adamid), but there is no albumadamid. Well, yes, this song does not have an album and there is no way to determine it. And in general, for some reason, even the page for this song does not open for me and I cannot find it in the search...

dotX12 commented 3 months ago

In general, songs can exist even without albums and the Shazam database may not know everything about it, especially since it is an old song.

robtekky commented 3 months ago

well, yeah, in this case there is at least one album containing it (Zeitgeist), but it is true that Shazam database seems to be ignorant about it....


robtekky commented 3 months ago

I was able to use the dev2.0 branch successfully ......

For metadata tags not available thru Shazam, I have used a fallback to Spotipy.

Feel free to close this issue/request.

Thanks a lot for your help.

dotX12 commented 2 months ago

I was able to use the dev2.0 branch successfully ......

For metadata tags not available thru Shazam, I have used a fallback to Spotipy.

Feel free to close this issue/request.

Thanks a lot for your help.

released in 0.6.0