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post: securing-private-keys-in-life-and-death #39

Open shazow opened 2 years ago

shazow commented 2 years ago

Keeping Private Keys Safe, in Life and Death

(Extremely WIP)

More and more of our life's valuables are stored as digital secrets. The usual accounts and passwords, but also wealth stored in cryptocurrency wallets.

What happens if we die? How do we make sure that people we care about are able to get access to our assets to excute our wills?

In this article, we'll talk about a strategy for keeping our digital secrets safe while also selectively accessible in the event of death.


  1. Data storage that ...


shazow — 07/02/2021 and make sure your family gets access to google drive (or some other secure storage service that has similar "inactive account" feature)

shazow — 07/01/2021 I'm writing an article about how to keep your private keys safe in life and death (main theme is how to make sure your fam gets access to your private keys and passwords if something happens to you) -- tldr is 1. Google Inactive Account Manager + encrypted backups in Google Drive, 2. Password to encrypted backups broken up into 2 components, given to friends/family to store in their password managers (last part is important: first time I did this I gave them a sealed envelope, and a couple years later half the people lost it)

shazow — 05/04/2021 in all seriousness, i have encrypted instructions on my google drive which is set to transfer to family after a year, and decryption key is split into N components in envelopes given to family/closest friends :slight_smile: instructions include some referrals to friends i trust who could help manage things