Open shazow opened 10 months ago
I like this idea
@cdump Any chance you'd be willing to expose some of the evm implementation in the js library? I'd like to hook into a few opcodes, for example I need to keep track of SLOAD
for things like proxy detection, LOG*
for events, etc.
@shazow I was thinking about this - making EVM evmole extensible, will probably add that in about 1 month.
@cdump Sounds good. Could also make it a separate package, I'd probably use it without the rest of the stuff. I like the idea of a js EVM implementation that is focused on efficiency and gas-bounded analysis. Things like ethereumjs have way too much other things to be viable for this, and I'm really not excited about separately maintaining yet another separate EVM implementation with the various upgrades coming up, but would definitely contribute to one. :)
separate package
Maybe later, I think it will be easier to start just as the evm
module exports from the EVMole right now
What do you think about the following approach?
import { Vm } from 'evmole/evm/vm'
import { Element } from 'evmole/evm/element'
import { Op } from 'evmole/evm/opcodes'
class MyVm extends Vm {
constructor(code, calldata) {
super(code, calldata);
exec_opcode(op) {
if (op == Op.JUMPDEST) {
console.log('hooked JUMPDEST');
return [1];
return super.exec_opcode(op);
const code = '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'
const code_arr = Buffer.from(code, 'hex')
const cd_arr = Buffer.from('b69ef8a8', 'hex')
const vm = new MyVm(code_arr, new Element(cd_arr, 'calldata'))
while (!vm.stopped) {
const ret = vm.step()
console.log('step gas:', ret[1]);
as evm/
public instead of privatesuper.method()
)$ node a.mjs
step gas: 3
step gas: 3
step gas: 3
step gas: 3
step gas: 2
step gas: 3
step gas: 3
step gas: 10
step gas: 2
step gas: 3
step gas: 3
step gas: 3
step gas: 3
step gas: 3
step gas: 3
step gas: 3
step gas: 10
step gas: 1
step gas: 2
step gas: 3
step gas: 3
step gas: 3
step gas: 10
step gas: 1
I'll need to prototype some code to be sure but should be a good starting point, as long as I can access the stack and memory inside the hook too (I believe it should work as-is).
Would it be possible to also get access to something like src/selectors.js:process
and src/arguments.js:functionArguments
can access the stack and memory inside the hook too
yes, you can
Would it be possible to also get access to something like src/selectors.js:process and /src/arguments.js:functionArguments?
these functions already exported, and you can import them using import {functionArguments, functionSelectors} from 'evmole'
these functions already exported, and you can import them using
import {functionArguments, functionSelectors} from 'evmole'
I mean if we're getting access to the vm implementation, it can be useful to get access to functions that deal with vm instances as inputs (rather than the wrappers than parse bytecode into a vm again).
I respect the desire to keep the exposed API surface as small as possible. Worst case I can also fork/vendor parts that aren't exposed if necessary,
can be useful to get access to functions that deal with vm instances as inputs (rather than the wrappers than parse bytecode into a vm again)
I can think about it when you have a real example where it could be useful, but you are right—I want to keep the public API small and stable right now :)
Sounds good, let's start with just the evm stuff and we'll go from there. :)
Ok, I will finish first version of and push it to the dedicated git branch this week
@cdump Thanks! Looking forward to playing with it. :)
@shazow try
@cdump That looks like a great start, thank you! I probably won't have time to prototype this into whatsabi until after ETHDenver though (any chance I'll see you there?)
any chance I'll see you there?
no :(
evmole is doing great work at extracting selectors and guessing arguments.
cc @cdump -- do you have any thoughts/feelings about this?