shbatm / MMM-Carousel

Displays a single magic mirror module at a time, rotating through the list of configured modules in a carousel-like fashion.
MIT License
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[Bug] Navigation Page Controls and Indicators Not Working #92

Open gddhub opened 2 months ago

gddhub commented 2 months ago

Describe the `bug`

I have set up MMM-Carousel in slide mode and it was working just fine until last night and I'm not sure what I did to break it. Currrently it transitions from slide to slide on time but when it gets to slide 3, the Page Indicator does not show the third circle as filled. The second circle remains filled as though it were still on page 2, even though the modules displayed correspond with slide 3.

In addition the navigation arrows when on slide three do not work to change slides correctly. The back/left arrow goes back to slide 1, bypassing slide 2. The forward/right arrow which used to go back to slide 1, does nothing.

            module: "MMM-Carousel",
            position: "bottom_bar", // Required only for navigation controls
            config: {
                transitionInterval: 20000,
                ignoreModules: ["alert"],
                mode: "slides",
                showPageIndicators: true,
                showPageControls: true,
                slides: {
                    "1": [
                    {name:"clock",position:"top_left",carouselId: "clock1"},

                    "2": [
                    {name:"clock",classes:'zoom50',position:"top_left",carouselId: "clock2"}

                    "3": [
                    {name:"MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast",position:"upper_third",carouselId: "Current"},
                    {name:"clock",classes:'zoom50',position:"top_left",carouselId: "clock2"},

                    "4": [
                    {name:"clock",classes:'zoom50',position:"top_left",carouselId: "clock2"},

Any thoughts on what is happening here?

KristjanESPERANTO commented 1 month ago

To figure it out, try a simpler configuration with only one module in one slide. Like this:

                slides: {
                    "1": [{ name: "calendar" }],
                    "2": [{ name: "newsfeed" }],
                    "3": [{ name: "compliments"}]

Do you have the same issue with a simple config like that?