shd101wyy / vscode-markdown-preview-enhanced

One of the "BEST" markdown preview extensions for Visual Studio Code
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Failed Markdown export on OSX Mojave #1507

Open tjwelde opened 5 years ago

tjwelde commented 5 years ago

There was an error, while exporting to markdown. The document contains multiple plantuml diagrams.

ImageMagick is installed, but reading the error, this is also not really an installation issue here.

Error: ImageMagick is required to be installed to convert svg to png.
Error: Command failed: magick /var/folders/lb/n_lbycfn0gs5cq6d2vsz3gpr0000gn/T/mume-svg118826-8319-c53ajn.4a6z.svg /Users/timowelde/Development/KILT/whitepaper/assets/c0f0c785ff36ed5bc8d17a93d91ba3a94.png
magick: attributes construct error
 `No such file or directory` @ error/svg.c/SVGError/2680.
magick: no image to apply a property "%w" @ warning/property.c/GetMagickPropertyLetter/2561.
magick: unknown image property "%w" @ warning/property.c/InterpretImageProperties/3499.
magick: no image to apply a property "%h" @ warning/property.c/GetMagickPropertyLetter/2449.
magick: unknown image property "%h" @ warning/property.c/InterpretImageProperties/3499.
magick: no image to apply a property "%m" @ warning/property.c/GetMagickPropertyLetter/2480.
magick: unknown image property "%m" @ warning/property.c/InterpretImageProperties/3499.
czhiling commented 5 years ago

I had similar problem when calling imagemagick (on Mac OS Mojave).

Please help us.

shd101wyy commented 5 years ago

I will investigate this weekend. Thanks!

roadmore commented 5 years ago

I had the same situation on Ubuntu 18.04,when I click "save as markdown".

shd101wyy commented 5 years ago

Should be fixed now. Thanks.