shd101wyy / vscode-markdown-preview-enhanced

One of the "BEST" markdown preview extensions for Visual Studio Code
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[Feature Request][Question] Integrate a custom preview/build command with the extension #1974

Open belonesox opened 2 months ago

belonesox commented 2 months ago

Consider a use case: We have a custom documentation workflow; it generates HTML from Markdown using pandoc and some other tools. It uses lot of custom Pandoc filters, such as "pandoc-include", "gladtex", with some sophisticated SCons processing and building. All these things (filter, processing, embedding resources, custom templates) encapsulated in some md2html.

So, we run some md2html to get HTML file from

Is it possible to somehow use it with your extension?

I try to find something like "Build Command" in the extension's settings, and it appears that markdown-preview-enhanced.usePandocParser is somehow hardcoded for vanilla Pandoc, making it impossible to pass a non-Pandoc options/arguments instead.

Am I wrong? or is it somehow possible to integrate a custom build command with the extension?