shea256 / proposed-bitlicense-regulations

The Proposed BitLicense Regulations for The State of New York (Thanks to Patrick Murck for the idea + support to convert this to markdown)
28 stars 18 forks source link

Added link at top of master (fixed) proposal #22

Open dabura667 opened 9 years ago

dabura667 commented 9 years ago

This link will show the diff between the "master" branch and "original" branch of this repository. Making it very easy to see the changes.

The on the "original" branch should contain the original document, and the on the "master" branch should have all the proposed fixes from everyone.

This way the red/green highlighted differences will be easily accessible to anyone, including Lawsky.

PLEASE NOTE: The link is broken currently, as the "original" branch does not exist. This is a roundabout way of asking for the type of setup I am talking about in my post.