sheagcraig / yo

Send Notification Center messages from the command line
Apache License 2.0
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Replace command line processing #40

Open sheagcraig opened 5 years ago

sheagcraig commented 5 years ago

A necessary project starter at the time was to find an already built, open source command line argument parser for Swift. I included @jatoben's CommandLine project. This project has since been retired.

This issue will track replacement of those files with some other way of handling command line arguments.

It looks like the Swift Package Manager comes with, among other things, a command line argument parser that could be a pretty easy replacement.

Another option is to rewrite yo / yo_scheduler so that don't need an actual GUI app. I believe there are examples that I can pull from to just have yo be a command line app, written in python and using ArgParser, or in Swift, and use the aforementioned SPM utility module for argument parsing.

I don't think anyone is demanding this, but it seems like a logical evolution, especially because I don't want to have to maintain the CommandLine code past its lifetime.