sheagcraig / yo

Send Notification Center messages from the command line
Apache License 2.0
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-i flag to set the icon does not work in Big Sur #52

Open ryangball opened 3 years ago

ryangball commented 3 years ago

Using the -i flag to add an icon to the notification doesn't appear to work in macOS Big Sur. This could be an issue with no work-around, but I wanted to flag it none-the-less.

mietzen commented 1 year ago

Same in Monterey

charliwest commented 1 year ago

Considering this hasn't been updated since 2019 I think better to look elsewhere:-

mietzen commented 1 year ago

Has no Bash option, is also not very recent

Can only open urls, but well maintained.

Has only popups?

In general changing the icon seems to be impossible since macOS 11 (?).

If you only need a banner without interactions, homebrew autoupdater has smart solution, just use a apple script:

Save it as app and give it a icon, but I need interactions… Perhaps I’ve to learn swift and write my own 😂