If you have multiple books from patchouli, only one shows in rei
if they have their own item ID i.e. occultism:dictionary_of_spirits it shows but their just patchouli:guide_book with different nbt, then you cant find them
this also occurred in jei in early 1.18.1 patchouli versions but it was fixed
the log says that rei loads the patchouli jei plugin but it doesnt seem to work
What happened?
If you have multiple books from patchouli, only one shows in rei if they have their own item ID i.e. occultism:dictionary_of_spirits it shows but their just patchouli:guide_book with different nbt, then you cant find them
this also occurred in jei in early 1.18.1 patchouli versions but it was fixed the log says that rei loads the patchouli jei plugin but it doesnt seem to work
What mod loaders are you seeing the problem on?
What do you think this bug is of?
Relevant log output
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