shedd / duckpan-vagrant

Vagrant + Chef virtual development environment for DuckDuckGo (
Apache License 2.0
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Error during vagrant up: can't convert Proc into String #28

Closed mikedep333 closed 9 years ago

mikedep333 commented 9 years ago

A user reported this issue:

Upon further investigation, this is a bug in ridley, a dependency of berkshelf (and therefore vagrant-berkshelf):

mikedep333 commented 9 years ago

I'm reopening this because I am experiencing the issue again and I do not know why. I did switch from my duckduckhack-vm branch to the master branch. I think it is related to the Gemfile.lock file.

mikedep333 commented 9 years ago

I figured out that vagrant plugin install (typically) ignores the system gems and installs gems to ~/.vagrant.d/gems/ . It seems to set both GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH to that path. In conclusion, I am getting closer to a fix.

p16i commented 9 years ago

@mikedep333 I just made it work. Here is the step I've done.

  1. Install vagrant-berkshelf latest version
vagrant install vagrant-berkshelf
  1. Install ChefDK and run the command below to add Chef's bin to PATH
echo 'eval "$(chef shell-init SHELL_NAME)"' >> ~/.YOUR_SHELL_RC_FILE
mikedep333 commented 9 years ago

Hi @heytitle

I figured that would fix the problem. However, I am hoping to avoid having to tell people to install the ChefDK, which is supposed to be installed from an installer/package on their website and is not available for every single Linux distro.

I'll discuss this on the mailing lists. -Mike

zsan commented 9 years ago

@mikedep333 Maybe you want to change line 57 in $HOME/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/vagrant-berkshelf-2.0.1/lib/berkshelf/vagrant/config.rb ?

@client_key = File.expand_path(@client_key.to_s, machine.env.root_path.to_s)